I think this would be a really bad idea as this site suck monkey cock and why would people wanna go on it even if there out the house let alone in the house
lol i bet im older than you also im not a fat shit like you and why should i come off this site its a place were i can start flame wars and piss people off its funny in a way so yh **** you you F U C K I N G FAT S H I T did you get all THAT
i am english not a fat lazy american like most the people on here lol if it gets closed i will copy the orginal post and start it back up good luck with that any way
lol im the noob love to see what rank you are and also what mods you have done and i made a post cus i had nothing else todo so i felf like pissing some little gay ***** kids off like i am doing now so before you make a post think of why i might of made the post retard
lol i will have a better life than you making more money and not sitting on my ass looking a a shity pc screen all day long on a forum which fails and is about how to make games shit and unfair lol lets see who has the better life asshole
lolzzzz i love flame wars they are the best, and dec we all know you are a ginger fag who looks like a fag sounds like a fag so ending up.......being a fag so shut your ******* trap for once in your tiny little ginger ******* life and grow up. this site is slow and i was just stating that but as you always do some how start a flame war Gingers are bad in bed lol peace
Hi,some of you may know me but to new members hi and how are you doing. I just came on here cus i had nothing todo and i see that the site has changed since i was last on here and i thought, cool this looks ok and a bit more up to date but its slow, and i 8 meg connection. But any way i had a look around not much has changed in modding on halo 3. and then i had a look at my profile it it made me lol as i had been banned like 3 times even when i was not on and for flaming let me ask what is wrong with a bit of flame it keeps us warm and makes you feel good any way thats all i have to say good luck with the site and good luck in getting a ban on halo as you now get a matchmaking ban for leaving games so yh the ban hammer has got stronger Bye
Ok guys im having nothing todo and the whole childish forum thing is getting old so im going to try to make money any way i can so yh bye pretty much for good a plz dont ask me for modding help cuz modding is s*** now and i cant be bothered to help nubs who cant use a computer so Bye