hi guys as u may know i live in the uk and we are like 5 hours a head o the us and but as im writing this it is 7:26am 19/11/08 so yha i should be able to download the new dashboard but no i cant. This has happened to me before with the halo 3 map packs and i think it is because the whole world it has to be the date the update is coming out i dont see why there could be not be like severs for every country but any why yha just trying to so the way it works is gay and i should have downloaded the new dashboard by now but i cant LOL Microsoft should sort this out (never going to happen) i should have this by now>http://www.xbox.com/NR/rdonlyres/8E03FD60-90F7-452B-8627-EACAE77E0686/0/UH370_nxe_1.jpg
WARNING: this is at all the brits on the site if you r planing to get a zune its really hard to get hold of 1 and there $%#^%# expensive mine was i think around 300 UK money so that would be like 600 US so yhe not cheap LOL o well there really good. And i found out the head phones are by Microsoft but Bose probably the best sound engineers in the world helped make the head phones so yhe i wound recommended a zune to any 1.
Yes i got a zune for my birthday and im very pleased with it 1 because its the halo 3 limited edition and 2 how it works and the way the firmware is set ot is pretty amazing. I have heard the sound quality on the ipod (Because my mum has 1) and it was ok but the quality on the zune was also amazing so i wound recommended the zune to any 1. Plus i really like how the head phones are magnetic thats pretty cool as well so i will post some pics and u can have a look at all my halo 3 stuff HALO 3 RULES (i said stuff because i have the halo 3 limited edition xbox as well but not the game but i would like that helmet LOL) http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/DSCF1504.jpg http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/DSCF1505.jpg http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/DSCF1506.jpg
OK i have a better way Step 1. Get Your Phone/Get On Your Pc Step 2. Say That Your Xbox Has The Red Ring Step 3. They Send You A Box Step 4. Put Xbox Into Box Step 5. Post It To The Address Required Step 6. Wait A Thew Weeks Step 7. After the Thew Weeks You Should Have A working Xbox Dont do the tut up there as it just makes it worse LOL just send it to the people how know what they are doing:) Hope you like my tut LOL ROFL LMAO