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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. u cant asses it as a flash drive i have tried and any way why would u wont to mod it it already works perfectly
  2. duno i dont think i did remember mine is the halo 3 1 and also its quit hard to get hold of a zune in the UK
  3. because bose helped make the zune as well i good luck in geting ur stereo i love bose
  4. i dont think so Microsoft is not that gay and stupid LOL
  5. its so mush money because bose help make it there the best sound enginers in the world
  6. if u burn ur own games u get banned right away so its not a good idea LOL
  7. Bump i lke the way u can rip games to ur HD thats cool think im going to mod my hard drive to make it bigger YAY
  8. lol h8 the way it works
  9. hi guys as u may know i live in the uk and we are like 5 hours a head o the us and but as im writing this it is 7:26am 19/11/08 so yha i should be able to download the new dashboard but no i cant. This has happened to me before with the halo 3 map packs and i think it is because the whole world it has to be the date the update is coming out i dont see why there could be not be like severs for every country but any why yha just trying to so the way it works is gay and i should have downloaded the new dashboard by now but i cant LOL Microsoft should sort this out (never going to happen) i should have this by now>http://www.xbox.com/NR/rdonlyres/8E03FD60-90F7-452B-8627-EACAE77E0686/0/UH370_nxe_1.jpg
  10. kl only a day hope the new stuff is good
  11. my zune was like $600 and why the double post >
  12. i have seen some mods u can do i will edit this post and put what i find
  13. WARNING: this is at all the brits on the site if you r planing to get a zune its really hard to get hold of 1 and there $%#^%# expensive mine was i think around 300 UK money so that would be like 600 US so yhe not cheap LOL o well there really good. And i found out the head phones are by Microsoft but Bose probably the best sound engineers in the world helped make the head phones so yhe i wound recommended a zune to any 1.
  14. yes i sor that but i like my halo 1 plus it cums with a lot of red vs blue stuff on it and music and pics and all is HD guilty.
  15. Yes i got a zune for my birthday and im very pleased with it 1 because its the halo 3 limited edition and 2 how it works and the way the firmware is set ot is pretty amazing. I have heard the sound quality on the ipod (Because my mum has 1) and it was ok but the quality on the zune was also amazing so i wound recommended the zune to any 1. Plus i really like how the head phones are magnetic thats pretty cool as well so i will post some pics and u can have a look at all my halo 3 stuff HALO 3 RULES (i said stuff because i have the halo 3 limited edition xbox as well but not the game but i would like that helmet LOL) http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/DSCF1504.jpg http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/DSCF1505.jpg http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/DSCF1506.jpg
  16. LOL cus hes a $%#^%# spammer and cant think of his own posts and copy's other peoples DUMB ASSS
  17. OK i have a better way Step 1. Get Your Phone/Get On Your Pc Step 2. Say That Your Xbox Has The Red Ring Step 3. They Send You A Box Step 4. Put Xbox Into Box Step 5. Post It To The Address Required Step 6. Wait A Thew Weeks Step 7. After the Thew Weeks You Should Have A working Xbox Dont do the tut up there as it just makes it worse LOL just send it to the people how know what they are doing:) Hope you like my tut LOL ROFL LMAO
  18. ok a really un needed post LOL s***
  19. YAY IM THE FIRST 1 DONE AND I DID IT IN 10 SECONDS http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/done3.png
  20. im getin gears 2 on Tuesday so i will be on then. btw the game looks amazing
  22. well when i came on i did not see any thing different but o well nice job peaches any way
  23. 88 clicks on hardcore yes i would say thats luck LOL
  24. nope i pressed alt printscreen LOL
  25. here done http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/done2.png
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