I saw joe talking to u on the shout box and he was saying it was s*** LoL wow and my account how u guna do that no one likes u here slidell was the only one and he's gone so yh and also i think im more important than u one this site LuLz
The Staff: Abe Froman SK Achronos Anim8rJB <the worst one lucky fag AnnoD04 bentllama BigDaddyFor3 Billy77Bones Bothari BrownV Butcher2 Butter08 C4NC3L Chee Yeez Chucky cuban Cunbelin Danger Boy deckard DeviousLemur dmiller360 Doctor Defeat Dommer Eamon Evil Otto ferrex Frankie HoboCrotch Jejor JonnyOThan kdiddy13 KidPenguin Kuniklo l0calh0st Land Pirate ldeej Lowest Ranked Lzero Master MiloBNG MrBuelterman Negabyte New0001 olanmills Phlegm Brulee plague IXI roasthaus RocketMoose sarukaze Serellan SGS Scooter Shinatama Shishka Ske7ch Sri Jaganatha Stormincow Swah Thug Larz TJ Scoot Tri Draggon VanDamnaged vec4f XO Sancho Xrisu Just have recon: DarkTiest DOOSHONMANDI0K DigitalPH33R <not sure of his real gamer tag so if u can find it thanks. HAIROFTHEDOG666 Well if there is more post it and it will be added