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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. are kl thanks peaches just wondering
  2. Something i made at school when i had nothing to do LOL Look kind of cool i guess
  3. sorry but it seems that the site is no longer there i could of used them as well
  4. wow when i get home im geting this sorry if i am posting on a old post but im going to try to get good a gfx
  5. ok i was just wondering what is this going to be i mean like what will there be in the just a Q !!!!!
  6. what web browser are u using i use safari and it has not happened to me ?
  7. wow the shadow work is pretty amazing great job
  8. LoL i cant wait to get my beard
  9. kl im going to have to try this YAY
  10. i was hopin i could put a new bigger dive on my xbox
  11. the program that is being used is ok but sometimes it dose not choose the right armor
  12. New rules looks good cant wait till ipb 3 comes
  13. Then your comp must be really bad LOL
  14. 5.1 :):) not to bad i guess
  15. safari is the fastest web browser out and fire fox i think is the second slowest LOLOL you really do not no what you are talking about dan do you ROFL
  16. o i dont have shity firefox i have safari that will be why i cant see that
  18. i would have to say photoshop as it is the most advanced sort of computer paint out hope that helped
  19. what the hell you talking about lol
  20. duno i had my first gaming console when i was like 3
  21. Got to say looks pretty good. Keep up the good work my friend
  22. Look at his Bungie.net profile on social and all the splatters he has had OMG Click Me
  23. LOL that guy has some amazing driving skills
  24. wow more $%#^%# SPAM shut the @#%$ up we don't care about your sad little life ok :spam::spam::spam::spam::spam:
  25. sozy smoks
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