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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. hmmm so this is a waste of storage lol thats what's he said how about crappy utube vids people post (cough) fatal error (cough) i think thats is a bit more worse than helping people lol
  2. hmmmmm what we talking about i forgot ???????
  3. wow that will be kind of gay o well just have to make them small
  4. WoW bun G get better and better every day lazy @%#$s. Thanks ibotz bot
  5. OK so you are new to modding and the site. If you are new to the site plz don't ask for help and me myself we be happy to help so im sating if u need help to mod halo 3, halo 2 and more then ask me. Il me make like a noob modding pack. First thing is i like to show you so you will need team viewer and aim so i can chat to u. Team viewer is a app that lets me see your pc screen and lets me control it that's the best way i can help you so yh help is here. Thing's you need: http://dashboard.aim.com/aim http://www.teamviewer.com/index.aspx My aim is Mcmodder1 Hope you enjoy
  6. Nice find looks pretty cool lets keep the modding going hay
  7. guess il download them and see what it is like
  8. hmmm i dont like it it hurts my eyes and does not look good any way at all.
  9. wow this is a old post 1 and 2 he has one and does not wont to use urs lol u use a s*** one lolololol
  10. lol the one were he $%#^%# chucks a frag at the warthog made me lol what a dumb ass
  11. It may be because fire fox sucks i have used every web browser and fire fox 1 is the slowest and 2 is just plain crap lol use google chrome or safari
  12. Hmmm ur sig is very miss leading i thought i was for the xbox iv been doing this for years and u never need a capture card lol
  13. Mcmodder♥


    Hay .eli B) B) B)
  14. WoW mike hunt is the best say it fast sounds like me @$#£ lololol nice post
  15. Hmmm this is no help to me as we can not take drinks in and if we could it would look a bit wried looking at ur drink lol all the time.
  16. Mcmodder♥

    My first sig

    I think u should ever get some tut's or use paint.net as a beginner
  17. lol yh he cant spell send haha
  18. I sure this has already been posted and no one like it as you had to take apart. I think most people will just pay like 10$ for a xsata/xport lol
  19. Ahhhh hahahaha lmfao $%#^%# hell thats funny lol
  20. um ok then why did u post this ?
  21. ok nice flaming btw way its called english we made it not you:)
  22. Ok i was on youtube and i was looking around and i found this and i was wondering is this xbox original looking thing lol a PS3 dev kit just wondering. Cannot Be Displayed
  23. Ok guy's i have you this same anti-virus for like half a year now and it seems really good as it stops hacker bot's and other bad thing's that you would not wont on your pc. I have include a read me on how to set it. BTW the nod logmein comes up as a virus but is not one it says it is because it's a program that modifies another program so i thought i would say that before some one gets worried Hope you enjoy it http://www.newwebstar.com/uploads/posts/2008-02/thumbs/1201903306_5.jpg Click_Here_To_Download
  24. It is his mods as you can not get .map mods off other people as in they have to be made and done you self then transferred to his xbox btw i think the UNSC made a broken assault rifle
  25. first off why do u wont his ip and second why to you wont to stalk a mlg pro lol
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