Wow mate i don't spam you do and me die don't think thats going to happen. And me flaming it's your gay little friends who started it including Mr bigkillfathomo lol. Think i mite call the FBI as you know how to hack.
Wow ok u have really lame come backs "omg mc im gunna shove ur head up sillys ass i have no friends and im a fat s***" LoL go for a walk kid and o yh the only "hacking" u no is @$@%@ DDOS and thats not really hacking is it and o yh as u admitted u no how to hack i can report u to the FBI and u will have ur pc taken a way (that would be nice) and u will have no internet/phone line as it will be cut off trust me i no. So yh dont try it mate AND FATAL I DONT GIVE A SHT ABOUT MY @$@%@ GRAMMAR. Thats all i have have to say to u stop spamming in my post and flaming>
Yes u would call it spam as u guys hate me any way u guys are freaks and think ur hackers manly khaos but he does not no the first thing about hacking LOL