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Everything posted by Lewie4

  1. whenever i put a video on it comes up with a white box does anyone know what im doing wrong
  2. Cannot Be Displayed Shows you how to remove the death barrier on all the maps Heres the link if the video does not work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waquhIfAWxo
  3. Post what your avatars look like here http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/GOATS%20ARE%20KOOL/avatar-body.png
  4. i cant tell either
  5. LOL but back to the topic does anyone know where to get one?
  6. Can we have some pictures?
  7. Nice does this work with the NXE?
  8. Lewie4

    How to gamesave

    Lol. Btw i copied and pasted it off my site and this a tutorial i made
  9. Lewie4

    How to gamesave

    What you need. Now I'm going to list what I use and which I think is the basic and simplest method. 1. Xplorer 360- Software for putting saves on your MU or HDD. Can also be used to extract songs from MU or HDD as well. 2. ANY CON Resigner - The software you will use to Resign your saves. 3. The most important of all a device that lets you connect your MU or HDD to your PC. I use the Datel Transfer Kit, you can also use XSata etc. Part 1: Getting to understand where to put saves after they are resigned etc. Step 1: Get a save and all the things listed above. Step 2: Open up Xplorer 360_Xtreme 2 and click 'drive' then click 'Harddrive or Memcard...' you should now see 'Partition 0' and 'Partition 1' click 'Partition 1'. Step 3: Now you should see 'Content' click 'Content' Now if you profile is on your HDD or MU you should see a folder named something along the lines of 'E000123.....' Click it. Step 4: This now opens up your profile folder. You should see some folders with titles such as '4D5307D3' in which this case is Perfect Dark Zero. Step 5: If I wanted to Resign a save for Perfect Dark Zero I would do the next following set of steps. Part Two: Saving your Profile and Device ID's Step 1: Open up CON Resigner. Step 2: This is where you need to make a slot for your profile, click 'new', type in what you want your profile slot to be called then click 'Get Profile/ Device ID's' Step 3: Go back to Xplorer 360_Xtreme 2 and find your profile folder and click on it. Step 4: Find a folder named something along the lines of 'FFFFE0...' this is different for everyone, click on this folder. Step 5: Once you click on it you should see a folder named '00010000' click it and you should see a file named 'E0001....' take this file and drag it onto the desktop. Step 6: Go back to the CON Resigner and click back on the 'new' button if it exited out. Follow step 2 again and when it asks you to select the file select the one your dropped onto your desktop. You now have your profile and device id's saved. Part 3: Resigning! Step 1: You need to get a save from the download section. In this case im going to use the Perfect Dark Zero 1k save Step 2: Click the link and download the save. Once downloaded take the save and drop it onto your desktop. Step 3: Open up Blue Shadowz CON Resigner. Make sure your profile is selected in the drop down menu. Click 'open' now select the Perfect Dark Zero save you dropped onto your desktop. Step 4: Now click 'Rehash/Resign' and CONGRATULATIONS your save is now resigned! Part 4: Getting your resigned save onto your MU or HDD Step 1: Open up Xplorer 360_Xtreme 2 and click 'drive' then click 'Harddrive or Memcard...' you should now see 'Partition 0' and 'Partition 1' click 'Partition 1'. Step 3: Now you should see 'Content' click 'Content' Now if you profile is on your HDD or MU you should see a folder named something along the lines of 'E000123.....' Click it. Step 4: This now opens up your profile folder. You should see some folders with titles such as '4D5307D3' in which this case is Perfect Dark Zero. Step 5: Click on the folder '4D5307D3' you should see a folder named '00000001' click on it. Step 6: You should see your original save for Perfect Dark Zero (If you had one) you can either delete it or drag it and drop it somewhere besides the desktop to back it up. Step 7: Either delete it or back it up and if you back it up then delete it don't worry it's still safe! Now you should see a blank space take the save you have on the desktop and drop it into Xplorer 360_Xtreme 2. Your done. Load up your save and it should be tied to your profile and be in your name you can now play with this save and unlock achievements. Congratulations you have just gamesaved now go get busy! Tutorial created by Lewie
  10. Dude WTF i've been moding on a retail xbox for ages its easy
  11. They probally dont but they can projectile mod
  12. No actually but one is called Mark And I think it would be a laugh cos most of my friends have 1
  13. lol i like
  14. I know a few people who would tell me
  15. i know people who are willing to tell me how to
  16. TY. If i get one i will be making free mods for everyone
  17. I have modded CoD WaW, Gears of war 2, Left 4 dead, Fallout 3 and two worlds
  18. Yeh it doesnt even let u sign up But i found some one who will sell me a demo kit on xbox scene
  19. Lewie4

    Teh sucks

    Dont get Porn off Athrun he doesnt like girls or boys. He likes Dogs
  20. Theres a guy on the site that is doing this for free. I would be doing it free but I dont have a kit
  21. y would you not share stuff u dumb ass. Whats the point of getting one if you dont share the stuff???
  22. thanks for the sites i'll check them out
  23. i would but i can find anyone to sell me 1
  24. Ok if i get a debug kit, reviewer kit or a demo kit i can still .map mod right?
  25. is that meant to be sarcasm?
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