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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. Im positive it wont hurt your computer, I just installed it myself. And its running like a champ.
  2. Thanks fattwam!, This made my downloading service 10X better!
  3. Please specify a keygen or application
  4. Good job peaches, Looks like you put time, effort, and a good o'l creativity in it. 10/10
  5. This is a request thread for any Keygen and application. I will find it for you, for free. You just have to post it. Give me up to a day to post it. If i cannot find the tool/keygen for you. I'll work on finding it. ~eli EDIT: Grizzly needed Winzip. So i got it for him, If anyone else needs it here it is. Winzip 11.2 Full + Keygen http://rapidshare.com/files/112912231/mezipwbbout.exe
  6. Ok, So i recently been discussing with my Business partner [xKhaos] That i would begin flashing drives and burning games. I just have a few questions below. If i flash the drives, It removes warrenty but can i get it replaced by microsoft for Non warrenty price? Whats the best Game burning software? Whats the risk of screwing up the firmware flash, Out of 10. Anyone willing to help, Please post below =]
  7. I can't believe someone would do such a thing, Since it was a small Ban of an account they have an outrage. This is uncalled for, Im glad the staff of this site can handle issues as big of this. And im glade the site is back up and running. Good job peaches
  8. .Eli


    Melo!, i love you and your work. Keep it up!
  10. Ha, I know everyones dying for recon armor. Well, i can show you how to get it. But, it wont go to halo 3 sadly. This is a just an online Viewer D;. But hey, it was fun. Ok here's the tutorial pic, and a result. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30908-9.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30908-10.jpg
  11. Dark slipstream deserved this spot 100%, hes a well known, Trustworthy, Hard working, Friendly member =]. Dark slipstream, You rock.
  12. .Eli


    Thank you for your support deathgrip, I always love an encouraging member of IBM. Im just trying to make some cash, And i think my prices are reasonable. I will haggle if people are in finacial slaws. I put work into this too, I had to re edit alot of stuff
  13. .Eli


    Hello there, Geezy - Eli Speaking. I have finally came to announce my Xbox and Xbox live Services. Me and a close friend of mine xKhaos [His XBL Gamertag] Have come to an conclusion of a small business. Let me point out our services. Xbox 360 Firmware Flashing - 25$, Shipping not included. [Currently Not in services] Xbox 360 Burned Games - From 10$ to 20$ [Must have flashed Drive] Halo 3 services EXP Boosting - For every 500exp It will cost 15$ Level 50 - Vairys from your level range. We accept Money and M$ Points I will list the Level System. Level 40 - 50 : Either a 3month gold of xbox live, 1600 MS Points, Or 15$. Level 45 - 50 : 1month gold of xbox live, 1000 MS Points, Or 10$. Level's individually from 45-50, Can either go from 1$, To 5$. Most of the time 49-50 is 5$. Gamer Score Service [Currently Not in Service] For every 10k of Gamerscore it will cost you 10$, Basically 1$ per 1k. For a special combo of 30k is only 25$. If you have specific games you want 1000 in, It will cost an extra 2$ per Game. Because I will Save Random saves. Xbox Live Accounts Xbox live accounts will change aswell. We only accept money through this transaction. If you are interested in an account with 15k Of Gamerscore, it will cost you 15$. See above for more deatails. Halo 3 accounts, If you would like a General account it will cost you an Individual of 10$. If you want a custom Gamertag for that account, We will boost it to general, And get it level 50 in either [slayer,Double Team,MLG]. If you want Gamerscore on the account, Look at our gamerscore services to add to our prices. If you would like 50 in more then 1 playlist, It will cost an additonal 5$ per 50. [Max of 3] Here is our combo deal for Halo3 accounts Level 50 in Team Slayer, 600 Exp, Near to no losses [5 max], 15,000 Gamerscore, 1month or less on the account. Will cost you a total of 35$!!!!, Thats right 35$ seems like alot, But if you think of it, Its a good deal if your a halo fan. Current accounts up for grabs Account name : UnkindGiraffe Experation : August 19th 2008 Gamerscore : 1000/1000 In halo 3 Level : 48 In double team Experience : - 250 [ Boosting account ] Price : 20$ Account Name : oKhaOs Experation : Silver Account [Expired from Gold] Gamerscore : 60 Level : 50 In team Slayer Experience : 600 [ General ] Price : 20$ Account Name : B00T3D 1 - Available in 1 week from now. Experation : End of July Gamerscore : 30 Level : 50 In slayer Or Double Team Experience : Will Be General Price : 20$ Account Name : B00T3D 2 - Available in 1 week from now. Experation : End of july Gamerscore : 30 Level : 50 In slayer Or Double Team Experience : Will Be General Price : 20$ Account Name : ButterknifeAlex - Available in 1 week from now Experation : End of july, Early august Gamerscore : 95 Level : 50 In Team Slayer, 50 in MLG, 50 In doubles. Experience : Will Be General Price : 35$ Additonal Information We can be contacted VIA aim, Or xbox live. AIMS OMG iTz GeEzY xCrackmatt Xbox live tags OMG iTz GeEzY xKhaos PS: I do not Screw people over, This is a small business. If you need people to say that im trustworthy, Ask around this site. Or Halobit.com Enjoy your day
  14. .Eli


    When i tryed to switch it this morning, It says there is somthing wrong with The Theme LUNA. Idk what that means o-o, And how should i do a system restore from a month ago? Im not super techy.
  15. .Eli


    Ill give it a shot
  16. .Eli


    Someone help me please. Im going insane. My computer is trashed. Heres the deal. My toolbar, And start menu are stuck on classic while some other stuff isnt. Stuff on my desktop is highlighted all the time. Ive tried everything from MSCONFIG, to New themes. It wont fix. Help
  17. .Eli

    Bot Removal

    This is the most common bot though. So its a tut on that one.
  18. .Eli

    Bot Removal

    Tutorial on a botnet removal made by Eli at Ibotmodz.net Hello there!, First off let me just say that this tutorial is to remove a botnet off your computer if you have been infected. Faqs VVVVV What is a bot? Well a bot or Botnet is a virus that has been infected into your CPU Can this hurt Me? Not always, Most bots are used to boot people offline. So you should be pretty safe. But you may get an Error each time you load your CPU. How did i obtain this? Most people are gullable enough to Download a such called "MS point gen" or an "XBL 3month gen" From youtube, Limewire, Or mininova. So DO NOT DL ANYTHING FROM THERE. There is no "real" ms point gen or Month gen for xbl. You might have dl'd a "Con resigner" Dont dl those either.... The only real one i know about, is the one you pay 20$ for. Im really nervous Dont be nervous, thats why im here to help. Okay back to the tutorial. What does the error look like? The most common error is CSRSS.exe is missing from the Config file in system 32. It looks like this. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28161-169.jpg Csrss.exe is not suppost to be in the config folder. Its suppost to be in system 32 thats it. So this is a bot!!! How can i remove this bot? Here are the steps to removal 1 Run your virus software for a full system scan 2 Run your spyware for a full system scan 3 Download this program COMBO FIX http://rapidshare.com/files/125712154/Comb...915667159397699http://rapidshare.com/files/125712154/C ... 7159397699 4 Run combofix, Do everything it tells you to do. Close everything out, [ Internet, Limewire, Ect] This will take like 15mins tops to do, After you have done everything it told you to, You should have to restart your computer. When you do this, you should log in. And your bot is now removed. Hooray!! You have reached Success! Notes: From now on, Only download stuff from trustworthy people. Scan the program first. And gain common sense. Tutoraial made by Eli at Ibotmodz.net This tutorial is ANTI RIP. Please if you re post this somewhere else, Give me credit.
  19. Next person to come down on me will regret it. F'off
  20. And, the doubles boosting doesnt require changing your language. Its way diffrent
  21. Okay, i take some fing time out of my life to make a guide for you kids. The doubles to 50 is for selling level 50 accounts. My 50 is in OBJ. im 46 in doubles. You guys dont deserve this guide, Im removing it.
  22. Hehe, people get lazy
  23. Removed since you kids cant handle it if you want the guide, pm me.
  24. .Eli


    I owe it all to fattwam for my first 50 in halo 3, He helped me get 50 in team objective. Thanks, I really appriciate it. Everyone, lets rep him. Good job
  25. Eli quits this site. BYE.
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