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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. Bloody much? I like it, I dont know why. Look's cool the bottom right =) 7/10
  2. .Eli

    Xsata Service

    i'll transfer for free
  3. .Eli


    =], No problamo. It was deffinatly difficult, I got confused on alot of things but hey im a noob I like my outcome for some reason, NEW SIG FTW!! ~Eli
  4. .Eli


    Matt you noob , I tried okay!!!
  5. .Eli


    So i tried the venom tutorial..... It's really really really hard, So many layers, So complicated, im a begginer so i shouldnt have doneit, But hey it was fun heres my outcome. Edited for border http://i34.tinypic.com/2e38tn4.jpg
  6. .Eli

    Venom Tag Tut

    I want your font dice, and i need help with the scatter.... I dont know what that is.
  7. There's cs2 and cs3 whichever version you neededAdobe_Photoshop_CS2_Keygen.exe Photoshop_cs3_keygen.exe
  8. .Eli

    fav food

    Roast Beef ^.^ - If your older, you'll know what i mean
  9. I love this idea, The tryout seem's fair. =) I vouch the tryout.
  10. Depending on your SP, And OS. Windows media player 11 will not work functionally. Lets say your running a dell xps laptop with 2gb of ram with SP2. You're going to have full vision and preformance of Windows media player. If you have lets say... A dell inspiron 530 with 1gb of ram. You might not get the best preformance. It may be slow, or even laggy video quality. So i'd really advise using WMP11 only with 2gb of ram or over. It depends on your systems preformance. RAM Is a big help. Since i use a personal laptop, Dell latitude some crap 5yr old laptop for like.... Stuff...... I get laggy quality with WMP11. On my dell xps desktop, with 3gb of RAM, I get the best quality, and perfect connection. ~Eli
  11. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM YOUR WAY TO VIP It's getting out of hand, Ive probabbly caught 5 people+ doing this. Here is a screenshot of a recent spammer. Please, if your going to post, Make it usefull and not just random like " Thanks " Or "Nice find" Make your post meaningfull to ibotmodz, Either post with 25Characters at minimum or post usefull info. ~Eli http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/9241/spamhw9.jpg
  12. .Eli

    Venom Tag Tut

    There isnt a C4D is there? EDIT: Can you give me your font too? =)
  13. .Eli

    Sparkles Tut

    I cannot see the tutorial
  14. Are we allowed to post other peoples tutorials? If we credit them.
  15. Thanks for considering adding a tutorial section. =) ~Eli
  16. When i mean by tutorial section is, User written tutorials. Step by step, Including the C4d's used, and rendors, and stuff. =p
  17. .Eli

    Yay :)

    You found out my secret muhahaha, It was fun to make. I had a way 10x better one. And i didnt save it...
  18. GFX tutorial section? Im new to GFX and i'd like a tutorial section to help me out. Probabbly other newly people would enjoy it too.
  19. I do like your enthusiasm to be a gfx member. But i dont think you're just there yet. Personally, i suck at gfx so what can i say but. I do like some of your art, keep up the good work.
  20. .Eli

    Yay :)

    Clouds are soft!, Like boobs. Anyone like?
  21. .Eli

    Yay :)

    I'm still learning in graphics, I had a really fun time making these clouds. I used a brush, then added lensflare, Hit up a background, Then i did some color thingys. =D If anyone would like the psd, feel free to use it. Ill attatch it at the bottom. Yay eli http://i36.tinypic.com/346u9i1.jpg Cloud_psd.rar
  22. I use xboxsaves.net It's xxsaves thingy, Their signer is personal. Anyone can use it. Easy too.
  23. Lol, thats a good one! One day i was playing team slayer and i came accross some kid Monkey, He would not shut up about he has recon. - Jk =)
  24. .Eli


    OK i 100% phail at graphics, but i wanted to make my signiture fun. So what i did was this http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/9694/fatefinalfw1.jpg Please dont flame, just post some ideas to make it look even better. THanks a bunch =)
  25. I agree to 100% of what dark slipstream just said. I hate lindsey lohan, but i love that sig
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