I agree that we shouldnt make it invite only, But then again. We recently got 'Hacked you could say' And we've had spammers the past few days. in my opinion, keep it open to the public. But require an admin to accept any new forum members. As in, admin must send valadiation. Or moderators. ~Eli
Are we being attacked again or what, We have constantly people in the shoutbox spamming "@$#%!$" and a saw a few members being banned. Including a Moderator. Wtf....
Please next time, make your post longer and more satisfying. This is noted as spam =/, But on the other hand. I hope their lying to us saying there wont be a Halo 4
I like the way you think legacy, Your a constructive thinker and i like people like that. A tryout section, Very good idea. I don't know how well i'd do in it. But ill give it a shot!
Possibly when Peaches comes back from his boat trip, He would pull the staff to discuss a "Private VIP" session. Discussing who will get it, How to earn it, And who will loose it. Maybe