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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. .Eli


    Thanks alot
  2. Hehe, i forgot to post here so i will. Hello, Im Eli, OMG iTz GeEzY, Minerho, Ect... Many GT's ha. I came to ibotmodz.net for a good stay, a nice community, and some computer help. So far soo good, keep up the good work
  3. I gotta hand it to melo
  4. .Eli


    Oh, im sorry i thought i could post in general chat. My bad
  5. .Eli


    Post your gamertags!!!! OMG iTz GeEzY is mine. I made this topic to find out who everyone is and maybe play some games together =]
  6. Wow, this is a usefull topic. Just out of the curiousity, Where can i get all the "Clean Maps" at? So i can make my own mods.
  7. Verizon Wireless. GOTTA GET [ IN ] It's awesome, Unlimted texting to ANY SERVICE, Unlimited minutes to Verizon Customers, Unlim pix, vid to any service. GET VERIZON
  8. Very confusing unless you read the whole thing. But thanks, It worked fine for me. Was work though
  9. .Eli


    THATS IT! Do you have the .exe file still? if so, post it please ^^ Thanks alot.
  10. Well i know you have the good stuff in vip but. I dont have 100 posts yet. And i have a bigggg problem. Each time my computer starts up i get an error message. C:WINDOWSConfigCsrss.exe cannot be found. I need a deep virus cleaner or a good virus protection program.... Please help me.
  11. .Eli


    Why would he post a trojan....
  12. I want to know how to bridge because.... it'd be fun? Also, im paying for it. So if you can tell me ill pay you
  13. One of the best mods for terminal ive seen. Good job darkshallfall
  14. .Eli


    Does anyone have, or know where i can get the program that switches you'r Theme from Windows xp to somthing diffrent? I used to have one that let me switch to alienware and such.
  15. Hahaha, this is quite clever. Now if someone angers you, you can just say hey. Join my party, Bloop. There stuck till they quit xD
  16. Okay, so im looking around and i cant seem to get a good copy of an antivirus. Any suggestions? i'd really prefer to have like, nod 32. Or Norton anti virus. Sorry to bug D;
  17. Okay, i know useually everywhere on the forums you have noobs saying "o wut teach me bridge halo now kay". Well, i am here to ask you how to do so. I hate to be one of the few nooblets asking though, I have some buddy's of mine on XBL and they bridge halo 3 but wont tell me how. What i really need to know is how to Give host. THERE IS A WAY, i need to know how. If you do know how to do so, PM me. And ill discuss it with you, and perhaps a payment to it. Sorry once more to make a noob post like this. Regards - OMG iTz GeEzY
  18. Thanks, Hey im not sure if there is one out there, But have you any clue on a good tut on painting one? It looks fun
  19. Damnit... Because my console broke for the second time recently. And i want a custom case but i cant void warrenty D; So a painted might work. Hmm, Any good places i could buy some vinyal paint for the case?
  20. Well, this is better then nothing isnt it?
  21. Lol @ the burning ps2 from the microwave, id do that too. but my ps2 is in pieces And the laptop, If you took the HDD, RAM cards, Any nic cards, important s*** out. id say, DESTROY!
  22. Im curious, If you get a customed modded case, does it void warrenty? And if not, where i can i buy a good one?
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