Hehe, i forgot to post here so i will. Hello, Im Eli, OMG iTz GeEzY, Minerho, Ect... Many GT's ha. I came to ibotmodz.net for a good stay, a nice community, and some computer help. So far soo good, keep up the good work
Verizon Wireless. GOTTA GET [ IN ] It's awesome, Unlimted texting to ANY SERVICE, Unlimited minutes to Verizon Customers, Unlim pix, vid to any service. GET VERIZON
Well i know you have the good stuff in vip but. I dont have 100 posts yet. And i have a bigggg problem. Each time my computer starts up i get an error message. C:WINDOWSConfigCsrss.exe cannot be found. I need a deep virus cleaner or a good virus protection program.... Please help me.
Does anyone have, or know where i can get the program that switches you'r Theme from Windows xp to somthing diffrent? I used to have one that let me switch to alienware and such.
Okay, so im looking around and i cant seem to get a good copy of an antivirus. Any suggestions? i'd really prefer to have like, nod 32. Or Norton anti virus. Sorry to bug D;
Okay, i know useually everywhere on the forums you have noobs saying "o wut teach me bridge halo now kay". Well, i am here to ask you how to do so. I hate to be one of the few nooblets asking though, I have some buddy's of mine on XBL and they bridge halo 3 but wont tell me how. What i really need to know is how to Give host. THERE IS A WAY, i need to know how. If you do know how to do so, PM me. And ill discuss it with you, and perhaps a payment to it. Sorry once more to make a noob post like this. Regards - OMG iTz GeEzY
Damnit... Because my console broke for the second time recently. And i want a custom case but i cant void warrenty D; So a painted might work. Hmm, Any good places i could buy some vinyal paint for the case?
Lol @ the burning ps2 from the microwave, id do that too. but my ps2 is in pieces And the laptop, If you took the HDD, RAM cards, Any nic cards, important s*** out. id say, DESTROY!