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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. I like how you think, a DL rep system would be interesting. now go rep me, Somehow im -1
  2. This movie isnt that great.... Good try though
  3. Ok, so i know everyones wondering about this, Its already been leaked and people say " OH WUT ITS GOT TROJANS NO WEI DUD" Let me explain why your AV picks them up as virus's. Fatwam's Programs [ 2 ] Are recongized as 2 trojans A botnet and tutorial are consider'd as trojans. And a DDOS Program is consider'd a trojan. So those are SAFE SAFE SAFE, Dont flip out. Just turn of your AV. And since im no longer vip Im going to release this pack to the public within a week. You guys are lucky im even considering this..... NOTE Most of the stuff in there is contributed by ibm members, and a few are mine. Let me point out a few people Darkslipstream Fattwam Redstar And many others. SO REP THEM REP REP REP REP REP THEM!!! And me
  4. .Eli

    June 17 Update.

    I like this whole new vip thing, with the rep and all. IM not complaining, But doesnt monitering our ip kinda.... Take away our privacy? Personally i dont give a F. But i was just wondering your standards on it.
  5. It just takes a bit of being active and roughly posting 5 post's per day
  6. Thank you for your input darkslipstream, as to others. The 200 post count does seem fair, so dont get mad. It's just to prevent spammers. However, I would still like to have vip since im not 200 post count, Because i have alot of IBM exclusives waiting to be posted. But, if i dont get vip, i will work it legitly like the rest of the crew
  7. What about the people, like myself who did not spam to VIP. Heres my reason(s) why I deserve VIP. I created/am creating an AIO program for all Halo 3 VIP users on this forum. I made people laugh for my post about Shad0w LAG. I am in the Help/Support Section anywhere on the site enough to answer as many questions as i am capable of doing. I leave a "pm me for further help" in some of my posts to offer thourough help to those who request it. I encourage/discourage people in doing what should/shouldn't be done. Dark slipstream deserves VIP. Why should i get vip? I made [ Updating ] an IBM exclusive pack with keygens and programs from our IBM users and others. Im a nice person Ive made some good suggestions [ Support team ] Ive made melo laugh [ MELOOO ] Im always willing to help, and im active. And ive been advertising frequently
  8. Shade and eazyb are the only ones i know with one
  9. .Eli

    OK KID!!!

    Wtf, teabagger. Either remove this, Or regret it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/22159-313.jpg
  10. Just an Xsata and Xplorer360. It's pretty simple, there's a tutorial somewhere, Use the search bar and type in "Mod halo 2 on xbox 360" It should come up Hope this helped. -Eli
  11. .Eli


    Can you post a screenshot of it. alt + prnt screen. I just want visual proof.
  12. Thank's for your "Support" I think that the team could use a member like yourself. I think the team should consist of trusted members and helpfull members. :Edit / Revive: Im reviving my topic! Let me know what you think of this team please!!!, Eli loves all his children! =] So, has anyone consider'd this team yet? or what Heheh.
  13. Well... I wouldnt want the support team to be big either.... I would like to limit it, to about 4 members or 5. Im not trying to be greedy, But a big team would just be pointless. And we need trustworthy people to do this action.
  14. .Eli


    Sharpie all the way, Permanant marker bby
  15. .Eli


    Ha thanks. I GOT BORED
  16. .Eli


    Update: ON CONSOLE... BUt i have no power adpater yet.. @#%$ http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21856-315.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21856-316.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21856-317.jpg
  17. Good job , We needed somthing like this. Now im off to Spam the other forums! [ Just kidding]
  18. .Eli


    If your returning it, to the store yes. If your sending it in for repair no. And the white line you see on my plate is just the flash. The entire plate is black besides my name
  19. .Eli


    leak free
  20. This is so cool, my smiley band will play to it
  21. .Eli


    Haha, thanks. It was easy to do just had spare time and a spare faceplate. I could use other sharpies like Yellow, green blue and stuff. And i cant really smell the fumes of a sharpie
  22. .Eli


    2 black sharpies. Skinny and a fat one.
  23. .Eli


    Hmm.... White unused faceplate.... Sharpie.... Bored.... This is what i got out of all of <<<< http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21675-330.jpg
  24. .Eli

    Gift for eli

    Melo is my hero
  25. Post boosting much? Lol....
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