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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. OOOOH, icy tower. I like the sounds of it, then again i like anything with snow or ice.
  2. .Eli

    I need your help

    Personally, i prefer vista over xp now. Vista has become more compatible with many programs, and games now. And since my computer is bad ass, It runs way faster. But xp does have its advantages if you have a game that isnt fully compatible for vista yet.
  3. .Eli


    This has been resolved, Thanks to everyone who supported me on this and helped me fix it
  4. Yes artsoto... A virus protection program is virus free....
  5. You are right about that, Its not industry level, But hey. Its somthing
  6. .Eli


    I still have no gift Ha. Its ok, just if you get around to it
  7. .Eli


    Ha, cute little spam medals. But why would you want to be rewarded "Spammer of the week"
  8. Im surprised people still play that game... I mean come on, It may be entertainment. But get with technology! XBOX!
  9. I have Verizon Wireless. IM IN!!!! Whats your service provider?
  10. Uhm... You should be posting in a diffrent section. And if you have such good programs. Post a preview list....
  11. .Eli

    Get Rick Roll'd

    Dude, rick roll is the s***. I love tricking people to go to that link ha
  12. Good job, rats nest has to be one of my favorite mods so far, Besides snowbound ofcourse
  13. Definatly getting out of Valhalla. I love that map
  14. .Eli

    flooded avalench

    When i Dl'd this, It didnt load on halo 3. It said, One or more players on this xbox doesnt have the required maps. I was like... Wtf, its a download. Any possible outcome bungie removed it or somthing? Grrr
  15. Interesting, you put some work into the mods. Now we need to find an Rapid fire mod
  16. something like that, but they can also help people so like sub mod umm i think we need to wait til 3000 members though Its kinda like a Mini Moderation team... WE have limited privlages to moderation like, We can only PIN topics, And lock topics. And edit posts. I want the team to be more along the lines of "Welcoming team" We would show the people around, Get them started, and help them become a good member. Example - Myself, Introduced a new member "Justin05" to IBM. I helped him get used to the site, Helped him find where most stuff is located, and helped him with the rules on how to not get banned and how to gain friends.
  17. Its tooooooo black and white. Looks like somthing that came out of a crate in my attic.
  18. .Eli

    Xbox live

    Yea, insert the disc. Turn of the system. Start up the system. And you should be able to get online
  19. Good screenshots, Hahah. This made me laugh
  20. Haha, nice find. Just to point it out, If you want to get rid of your wepon do the same thing but without a gravity hammer.
  21. .Eli


    You shouldnt be posting this in this section, You should PM the guy about it or have posted in Off Topic...
  22. .Eli


  23. Good updates ibotpeaches, And hopefully your 1week Vacation goes well.
  24. Fantastic, Lets hope people dont rip it though..
  25. I hate to sound like an noob, But does this allow you to gain access under ground?
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