Thank you very much Legacy a good old IBM member giving me props = respect. Back on topic, Because i love being on topic!!! My point of view for VIP is that it's for people that did somthing good for this website. As in, you either made someone feel welcome to the site and showed someone around. Contributed a decent amount of tools as in, Virus protection, Spyware software, Bot removal tutorial, Halo 3 modding tools, Halo 3 mods, Or just a good o'l buddy. I do appriciate all the constructive criticism i get from IBM and it's children, And by that means i will continue to be a loyal hard working member and stick to my word by being the best IBM member i can. ~Eli
I agree with you aswell as the other people do. Spamming to vip or posting "Non usefull" post's just ruin the site. I do admit, i may have posted some little things like "Thanks" or "Nice job" But i recongized right after. Spam = Bad, How about we all post legitly =]. The removal of 200 posts i totally think should be done. Currently, im still up for getting keygens and applications for free under the program section. Also, im willing to give support to anyone in need. As in, Where do i go for this section or that topic. Improvement will be done, i Hereby vote for 200 post count, and only givging VIP to contributers.
Was it Necessary to spam? I dont think so. Back on topic, Funny stuff. Why did you download it from free webs anyways? Shouldnt u get it from that place?
He got this from me Don't worry about it. I read every topic that has a black arrow so he will get cought Im sorry smoke, I didnt notice that you posted that 25 minimum. Excuse me for stealing your idea Thank you for taking care of the spamming, I may not be staff but i still like to clear the site up of useless posts ~Eli loves you all ELE - From Semi Pro.
Haha, dark i know you would remember telling me that. Anyways, Once again thanks for the contribution, This helped me. Im a beginner modder, but this helped me search easier and i was able to mod this map =]
Skipper, he didnt say he made it. He was just posting this on the site for people to use, Dont assume the false. Anyways, Thanks for contributing dark slipstream =]
^^^^^^^ MELO ILY BUT YOU SPAM BAD SCRUB Back on topic, Another way to find out if someone is "Spamming" or "Post Boosting" Sniff around the forums like me, I found Bigkillerjoe today spamming. Im not flaming, but dont spam please
Thank you for contributing to this section, These tags will make modding this level 10x easier. So we dont have to deeply search for annoying tags. "Retarded tag" in "Last resort" I know Dark slipstream knows what i mean. Ha
Hey cody, ILY. Oh if anyones interested in other accounts i have some too!, BUY CODYS FIRST I LOVE HIM. Here are mine for grabs Butterknifealex - Will be 50 in Doubles and mlg, Currently 50 in team slayer. 900exp+ = 30$ oKhaos - 50 in slayer, 600exp +. 20 - 25$ Unkindgiraffe - 48 in doubles, -500+ exp. [boosting account] - 20$ I also exp boost for cash, Every 500 its 10$. Huzzah
More accesible, Good thinking dark. How's the process of your AIO going so far? I know when i talked to you on XBL - OMG iTz GeEzY that you said its almost finished. And you might put a working resigner in there? Still aiming twords that or.... What
Oh this looks like a tough one. Option 1: Open my xbox 360 HDD and my Computer and risk breaking somthing. Option 2: Buy an Xport or Xsata and do it the safe way for 50$. Uh idk. Hmm, what seems safer.... The 50$