Lol Im a student as well ahm £200 for a pimped up unbanned xenon ora falcon I'm getting ltr this week or I can hook u up with my contacts to get you one for about £150 or less shipped
Joined Today first post not much info about the jtags semmes doggy. But if you're ligit (which I doubt) that's alot of ******* xobxs like damm easly 50+right?
Yes we should start one after the game has died and newer one is comming out soon while were at it why don't you lead this great team/thread sence you seem to know so much about xexs
Rrod-E74 dash-7371  Price I'm looking for is £150 shipped without the tailsmothefans which will be raplaced with stock or £200 with tailsmooth and NAND x so yahh....need money bad
yup tottaly raped duble kills over dubble kills they had sumthink like 8 kills and only 2 whr of me i was helping my friend rank up i saved it on my file share ill post a link if you want