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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. jmdalmighty

    Jtag Shop

    Lol Im a student as well ahm £200 for a pimped up unbanned xenon ora falcon I'm getting ltr this week or I can hook u up with my contacts to get you one for about £150 or less shipped
  2. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/17968-how-to-create-your-own-ibotmodz-app/
  3. jmdalmighty

    Jtag Shop

    Lol matty I've got some if you're intrested
  4. jmdalmighty

    Jtag Shop

    Joined Today first post not much info about the jtags semmes doggy. But if you're ligit (which I doubt) that's alot of ******* xobxs like damm easly 50+right?
  5. Yes we should start one after the game has died and newer one is comming out soon while were at it why don't you lead this great team/thread sence you seem to know so much about xexs
  6. Ovb you arnt intrested in anything to make a serious offer so stop spamming plz
  7. No  why?
  8. Ydo u have those pictures? Self plesure maybe?
  9. Lol agreed
  10. Plz don't make silly offers thnx
  11. Lol look at the tut I made to load it up like a pc full use including the c box
  12. Ol it's make an offer if you ar intrested I can give you a base price on the stuff
  13. Sold...
  14. Rrod-E74 dash-7371  Price I'm looking for is £150 shipped without the tailsmothefans which will be raplaced with stock or £200 with tailsmooth and NAND x http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/0297452f.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/8acd3945.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/731acd04.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/822f735a.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/f50d9c47.jpg so yahh....need money bad
  15. Y r u charging for this it dosent do sumthing new all can be done by other apps you have just combined to put them all thogher in a basic AIO?
  16. YA he makes alot of sigs he made a few community checkout the gfx section if u ask nice enough he migh make u a custom one
  17. looks like it works will so does it support every type of 360 hardrives? usb/memmory card /dev hardrive/retal hardrive.
  18. yup tottaly raped duble kills over dubble kills they had sumthink like 8 kills and only 2 whr of me i was helping my friend rank up i saved it on my file share ill post a link if you want
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--vYYfbuCnU
  20. I got the best one today hold on imma put it on YouTube it's a voice MSG
  21. Matty y don't u use the full version
  22. Y would someone trust you with there account if you make an account today and this is your only post?
  23. My flames r gone:(
  24. Fo the full post just do it in offtopic so you arnt just spamming
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