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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. Btw I don't know If anyone has played the new transfomers game(by acvation) but it's totally cod withrobots you make classes there's perks kill streaks and don't forget 1 shot melly kill any whare in the body. They are just millking cods tittle of all it's worth just like they are goin to do with halo
  2. No halo or bungie is not longer owned by Microsoft it's now own by activation(multy platform) and any game produced by bungie after halo reach actavation decides what happens with it and them being money whores(looking at what the did with cod) chances are they are going to **** up everything we know and love about halo/bungie as if game company don't stop getting so ******* gready they are gonna kill the gamming industry. I hope bungie get full rights to all products because actavation is gonna make bungie worth as much mw2(can't rember the producers right now) ya lots of money but when the games become rushed and flaws are desocved (jtag lobbys) it's gonna kill the title and kill the repuation of the producers not to mention risk closing the producers completly. Look at mw2 acvation rushed the shit out of over priced it, no beta testing , charge unbelivable amounts for add ons, not fix problems fast enough ( shottys range is still un****ing bealivable), ahh so much and on top of that not pay producers fair amounts causing over half of the team to leave and join EA. Now with hardly left on the team all the can do is produce maps and don't have the man power to make a new game. Acvation stuck In multy law suits so they still can't pay the reaminig crew bounsess. I can go on all day but this should be enough sorry for the long read.
  3. Halo fanboy 4 life. Halo reach and cod black ops if they suck I'm gonna give up gamming
  4. Halo is the only reson y people put up with the crap that Microsoft gives it's customers and as soon as halo hits ps3 that will be the end of xbox if there were no exlusive games halo , gears etc the xbox wouldn't have sold half the amount of units It did. I've gone through 10 xbox 360 7 got rrod and I have 3 infront of me. I only baught the 360 for halo just like many others playstation will kill the xbox of Microsoft don't get there act togher and stop ******* up soo much.
  5. I find it a fun challange tryn to carry them usually manage too as well
  6. Use an acvacter or uninstall that version and load up a pre cracked version
  7. ....nvm
  8. I got a Sony briva 32" for $445 Sony are doing offers on trading your old tv(no matter how shit it is ) plus about 200-300 depending on the size and price of your new tv. So go to a Sony shop and ask about the offer I got about £110($160) off my new tv which I managed to get for about $315 and they didn't even take the old tv.
  9. Am I wrong to say that you have advertised enough and is someone needs a repair the will be able to contact you without further need for posting(spamming) these links.
  10. Gtf it's an amazing game u just suck at it
  11. Lolit can't be for us only as the people whom preordred were told that they would get recon soo if suddenly there's no code bungie gonna have a law suite on there hands for false advertisment so ya topic is uber fail
  12. Yø I knew when I wasn't even born my mum told me storys while I was in the womb
  13. I'm getting it now just to sell my 3gs
  14. Inc I'm a start doin this too lol I get about 1 a match callin me a noob for using over powred kill streaks
  15. I'm soooo bored someone add me and let's play gt: JMD ALMIGHTY
    1. iBotPeaches
    2. jmdalmighty


      Anything but haven't played halo sence odst so i'm a little rusty but if u have halo wars that's a diffrent story
  16. No
  17. Soo how does it work and I want One.
  18. I'm not a pc gammer I've seen stalker cause my friend is a pc gammer and it looks preaty good
  19. What's your point they made relastic as possable probbaly whent there and took hundreds of pics and made the maps like that
  20. WOw I hate this I earned my rank stop modding online **** it's ment to improve a game not ruin it rob add me I need someone to play 3v3 wid
  21. To sence ur getting all these ea games can u get me the VIP code for bbcompny 2
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