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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. Nah what do I look like smart? Do u think I can read noooo! I can just click away
  2. Peaches host halo lobbies .
  3. What the title says are there any free one I am aware that modio has one for VIP but that's the only one I have come across
  4. Add me den
  5. It's probbably gonna be security zone still haven't decided weighed it's outside or incide
  6. So I need 2-3 gooooood players to help me get my last vidmaster add me my gt is JMD AlMIGHTY plz don't bother sending fr if u suck ballz
  7. Damm I live in da uk:(
  8. Hmm so is all fire fight objective based with a certern time lemit or will there be a odst type with unlimited ai and stuff
  9. Lol I watched that yesterday it was epic
  10. Test1 test2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12?
  11. Jmd for admin
  12. 7sins+ttg=ddos war
  13. Jasper ftw
  14. Is that ur dev?
  15. Alloyy u need to Learn your place you have no right telling people to go to a diffrent site if they enjoy other games halo is dead at the momment and you can't accept people to be playing a game longer than a year or two until reach comes out the halo community is dead. On the other note u should gtfo this site cause clearly all you do is flame
  16. Makes sure the wiring is good then obtain a dump for your mobo type replace the keys and create an image(freeboot or xbr) then flash it on to ur console that should be Ito
  17. Lol the will is for more relaxed gammers none the less it's still a next genaration console and for the fact that the have mario the wii will always remain asowme
  18. Damn u stop taking the site down
  19. So far the story line is : halo 1-> halo 2->halo odst-> halo reach->halo 3 don't know whare halo wars fits in
  20. Wow how can you lose intrest in halo omg I still play halo wars but they also said halo 3 was the last one then they announced odst. They said that was the last on then they announced halo recon which changed to reach and said it's the last one but I doubt it as there's some un answerd question left possably a halo 4 on the way to continue for halo 3
  21. Yes the graphics aren't the best but with distrutable train(hopefully) use of veichles and new zombies with kick ass solo which is 4 player co-op will make it will worth and sence tryarche release good price add Ons it will be a game of the year
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