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Xx Anarchy xX♥

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Everything posted by Xx Anarchy xX♥

  1. you kids dont know good music
  2. i posted this and then bumped a thread over it lol
  3. do those glow in the dark no they dont i come in second, behind fattwam of course
  4. check that video out its for the song xxzxcuzx Me by Crystal Castles
  5. lol the colours don't burn your eyes fix your monitor
  6. holy s*** do they come in neon?
  7. dont be so jealous
  8. actually they weren't great but blackspark wasn't nearly as arrogant
  9. http://adus.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pADIDAS1-4492651_pattern_w345a.jpg sooooooooooo sexy they glow in the dark
  10. wow 99% was on bad kids your overkill on onslaught CTF for instance two kids didn't move when you shot them 4th kid walked RIGHT PAST YOU stop plaing BKz, get MLG clips then we'll talk good montages
  11. lol thanks how is the text?
  12. there is no black and white version if you are going to spam comments at least make it look like you tried
  13. http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff171/AnarchyFX/Tag%202008/RendezvousWithDrugsv3.png + http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff171/AnarchyFX/Tag%202008/RendezvousWithDrugsv2.png Im aware that the colour scheme is not normal, that comment is not needed view on black here (better)
  14. naw its just i have more school work to slack off from
  15. thanks im making more tags now because im on my computer more for school
  16. why did he go crazy?
  17. http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff171/AnarchyFX/Tag%202008/S.png stocks courtesy of sxc
  18. took me 32 games and i didn't loose
  19. I would say we host either a team ladder or a doubles ladder depending on participants MLG gametypes and map variants Im in
  20. i did put it there, yes
  21. ok thanks more? and compo wouldnt be related to that, its blending lol
  22. http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff171/AnarchyFX/Tag%202008/OhSoArgyle.png visit pixl studios
  23. lol i bet hes a master seargent
  24. colouring is awesome focal is not on point though the lights distract
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