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Xx Anarchy xX♥

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Everything posted by Xx Anarchy xX♥

  1. please do i had some street art tagged up around midtown atlanta, but it got painted over
  2. Graffiti Artist Banksy http://www.banksy.co.uk/menu.html
  3. if its the new ibotmodz it hasn't been here yet so i guess we will see it in the future
  4. yeah between peach and nielsss i managed not to break my xbox <3 peaches
  5. yeah i decided that halo 2 was boring (since i sucked dick) so one cold morning i decide to mod halo 2 the old site was sooooooooooooo awesome
  6. no ill believe you
  7. i know right
  8. oh then i suppose the exact shaoes in the BG, along with some foreground effects those came with your render
  9. can i see the stock please
  10. lvl 40 is closer
  11. pentool trick is whored beyond reason and the BG is too busy, with no depth because there are no identifiable layers of depth it seems like you are afraid of empty space when you mash all of it together it looks not good and never touch your blur tool ever again
  12. focal is oversharpened just for clarification depth is not making the render look like it is above everything else it is to make the render look like it fits normally dont exagerate depth by overblurring explain this http://planetrenders.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=139840 tag #25. exact same thing minus the blurring
  13. drugs specifically codeine
  14. http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff171/AnarchyFX/Tag%202008/Codeine.png and isnt the picture in my signature the greatest thing ever
  15. wow kid text needs to be re-done. seems distorted take the text out and the clipping mask thats next to it then make the tag longer to the left so theirs more negative space
  16. im not a 30 thanks though, that was pretty cute
  17. thanks boys although im dissapointed wheres the flamefest
  18. v2 with no text move the brightness on the far left towards the center
  19. its magic lol my own paper texture
  20. so you loved it? great band live
  21. i checked old ibotmodz i signed up November 28, 2006
  22. http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff171/AnarchyFX/Tag%202008/OnlyInJapan.png + http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff171/AnarchyFX/Tag%202008/TheSuit.png
  23. can you reupload i want to see
  24. stop being retarded kthnxbai looks like an imitation of smudge abstract tags the 10000 C4Ds aren't really working in any way shape or form the reason the smudge tags work so well is because there is negative space in some areas, and the colouring is in the same range this chaotic because of the colour scheme and multiple hard lines
  25. ive been here since forever i was admin at one point
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