if mccain wins im moving to canada to live with fatt no matter what you say about obama's policies, they are 1000x better than McCain's undecided poilitics And Sarah Palin is f*cking retarded.
make your canvases bigger, right now there isn't much space to work with also try making your tags less monotone, good colouring does not mean one colour effects are generic, text needs to go. overall a generic beginner tag
assume your users are retarded when you make the program and then error proof it accordingly thats what I always do except java is a b**** to debug sometimes
So what your saying is that copying and pasting C4Ds into a canvas, erasing some. That takes more skill. Especially since you most likley didn't even make the C4D in the first place. I have seen work that is very good that uses C4Ds and things like them, but that is about 1% of the work. With your years of experience your tags are still novice?