Gladiator + Aloe I made these as gifts for people on
People need to comment stuff I try and post on most everything But tbh I have stopped posting my stuff here because it just sits there Much like the rest of the forum
The problem is that this is a modding site No one comes here for GFX in the first place, it was a side dish. Even if thats what they stayed for. Its not going to change, sorry. Try this forum though, Its a good place
Figured I would try out illustrator. All of this, including text, was made in it. And yes this is a tribute to a peice of stencil art by Banksy.
caratti it amazes me that you think you actually think people care what you think. Its more retarted for you to go into matchmaking alone. But you probably just camp a corner with your AR so teamwork isn't for you if you are looking at that one, then yes we are viewing the same tag if not, im not sure which topic you're in
some of them are inccorect or have callouts missing like on The Pit, flag room is not called "the pit" "the pit" is the floor between the flat and BR 2