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Xx Anarchy xX♥

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Everything posted by Xx Anarchy xX♥

  1. http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o163/dyinghero_27/Starewitouttextcopy.png @#%$in sexy just with some fixes it will be great can i have the PSD so i can show you what I mean? Thanks
  2. emo and scene girls are hot aslong as they aren't hardcore, especially in the way they act
  3. rofl he is and Bungie can track down who did it, but they wont it happened to peaches
  4. no thanks im not into guys (or trannys)
  5. RAWR new picture where im not stoned sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy i know http://xs230.xs.to/xs230/08326/img_2099565.jpg EDIT: super sexy for dice
  6. 92% scored higher (more nerdy), 1% scored the same, and 7% scored lower (less nerdy).
  7. wtf is with those icons korupt?
  8. my computer is 9 years old
  9. art credit to firebug and yes i run a version of windows 95
  10. H For HyPe
  11. middle is kinda cool keep going with that style and expand on it rest is a joke
  12. bye peaches have fun on vacation, or holiday as snail would say
  13. needs more atm it look like a BG that needs forground effects to make it different from the usual smudge tag better colours please while your at it and focal in the center = bad
  14. that sucks peaches keep me added for GoW2 if you want to play with me that revulsion kid is a bk
  15. rofl his BR is worse than any colonels I have played did he buy the 50, or just boost for it
  16. stop being a drama queen but yeah legacy everyone is entitled to their own opinions but I did make everything in the tag...
  17. my personaly opinion has always been concept/unique > generic/effects
  18. a garuntee thats what he did yesterday I played a kid JustCallMePaYne who had 16400 EXP and like 11000 customs he was soooooooooooo bad look at his custom games all 2nd place on construct http://www.bungie.net/Stats/PlayerStatsHal...JusTCaLLMePaYnE hooray for host check
  19. all he did was host check a billion times taped his A button down I imagine
  20. my first in forever tbh i may not do more
  21. I know my opinion does not matter, i feel like contributing Now i know i dont know the new standards if we have put any in to the accepting process Your tags lack real effects that can be the body of the tag, also everything seems to follow the same style taht is bottom corner to top corner flow. lighting needs work My main complaint is everything seems so generic, when I used to do art I moved away from effects and renders and such and went with things not many other people did if any people did it at all Your LPs have no point and the last 2 just look like big tags LPs are more difficult than tags because you cant follow the same creation process, they cant be a render with some smudging, they need concept and good execution
  22. Xx Anarchy xX♥


    left side next to the guy looks bad and pales in comparison in relation to the right side and subs "im aware it makes it look worse, a sig without text isnt really a sig." this seems counterproductive, you realize something makes your tag worse and yet you leave it because of supposed "other" people who say you need it if you feel like you will die without your silly texts then at least be creative like in my tags here http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4171 i use text sometimes but it fits and isnt just plain text
  23. better colouring and lighting would really improve this although the effects and BG seem like just brushing or really LQ smudging
  24. thats pretty sexy maybe some subtle lighting on the sides the highlight depth and less topazy stuff
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