owch, i feel appreciated now..... good job giving support to others below you, team leader. stop whining about Melo. He just means that i used to be the art overlord here
melo colouring is nice style is refreshing from most of the things i have seen around here a tip for next time though melo, the texture of the character and the BG and FG don't match maybe vector him next time
ive been gone i hope to become active again these are my recent favourites ive made http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2772-535.png from scratch/ http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2772-536.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2772-537.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2772-538.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2772-539.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2772-540.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2772-541.png
idk if it needs more i couldnt think of anything that looked good http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1478-14.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1478-15.png
This is a topic about music post what you like and all that fun stuff My favourite bands at the moment are The Strokes The Strokes The enemy The Pigeon Detectives The Maccabees The Rakes The Cribs The Arctic Monkeys The Rapture
only in religion class lol (sorry if i'm bumpin) i hate cathlic schools (no effence) but my friend hast to where this pin and if its up your going out someone and if its done your single, if you have beeds on it it shows how many times you had sex. and if its side ways your bisexual, and if its off your pregnat. i think i might messed up a couple tho yeah i hate my school too except the girls love them and we dont do the beads thing lmao