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Xx Anarchy xX♥

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Everything posted by Xx Anarchy xX♥

  1. yeah 3000 something and ill make the button if i had the PSD
  2. Can an admin fix my post count and switch my class to retired staff Thanks <3
  3. thats my boy you have improved greatly cesar http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31677-34.png that is very nice most (insluding the one i picked) however suffer from what looks to be topaz if you wouldnt mind, can you send me the PSD for the 1st one i really want to play with it
  4. Xx Anarchy xX♥


  5. links dont work im looking for the sword one
  6. im not saying that technicalitys by defualt make things better but those things that i said make it more appealing to me and other experienced people (I am not trying to sound egotistical) The rule of thirds helps with the composition and balance of the tag and makes it seem less awkward, along with some of the flow im not saying that making tags must be followed to the dot as read out of an artists rule book im just saying that some of the rules make the tag more appealing visually than it would be without them
  7. melo we can buttsex too
  8. i love you peachzorz
  9. what are "those"
  10. the focal is centered which isnt what you want. google the rule of thirds colouring seems monotone, all the colours have a grey tint and top left the lines kill the flow also V shaped flow doesnt work very good
  11. http://photos-e.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v288/141/120/643805957/n643805957_732612_5237.jpg 4th of july party we look rediculous im far left
  12. i dont know you but you seem like a cool guy, especially since you seem to be able to type a coherent sentance without asking for a signer sad to see you go, hopefully you will still come around here on occasion and say hello and congratulations for being the first respectful person on this new site i didn't already know
  13. lol those are all at least 4 or 5 months old back when i was bad
  14. im leaving again for 2 weeks but then ill be back peaches will be gone too, he is off to Canada that lucky ******* my site http://wanta50.ibotmodz.net/ which is being hosted by the glorious Peaches will still be up but no accounts will be added for 2 weeks lessons and boosting are still availible however just dont add the GT Hi iM NiTeLiGhT Peace kids
  15. i always though nicholas was a guys name
  16. lol ranked boosting get it legit
  17. oh i used to hang at Artistic GFX, Chaos and Deviantart
  18. what tags actually use blending this isnt novice GFX with C4Ds on colour dodge around a render of mario with flow heres some non-simple things. everything made by me http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/27556-205.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/27556-206.png lol http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/27556-207.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/27556-208.png
  19. if anyone likes playing thing halo 3 (i think some of you do) add my GT (in my sig) dont worry if your not a general i dont care. the only playlist i care about is MLG and add me if you like MLG customs cause i <3 them
  20. If your getting tired with free hosts, let me toss you a sub-domain I have. It will have all those features that free host don't. Plus I can help I didn't realize IM NITELIGHT was you. I sent you a FR request. I think I have to get my General, before I play with you though dont be silly peaches i may take your offer if we become serious about it. im away for 2 weeks and after that ill talk to you and you can play with us, is your 49 is TS? me and my mates can probably help you get your 50
  21. i love you peaches as i have just made a site for Halo 3 lessons, boosting and selling 50s the Meta tags go in the Head section of the HTML right?
  22. i like this one, minus the scan line box. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26900-63.png 2-4 remind me of beanboy if you know him some of the last ones remind of old homogenic C4D style works well in some, not so good in others most seem to have the same ideas behind them and while they are appealing they are monotonous
  23. i may start making new tags. i have some ideas but i dont know about making a chaotic tag. i like mine clean
  24. lowopacity smudging doesnt really look great next time try to duplicate it and set it on a different layer setting and erase some to add depth kinda like this old one http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25337-129.png
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