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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. I have an Idea! light green - no VIP section 10 second flood timer dark green - VIP section 10 second flood timer Black - VIP section 0 second flood timer You can work out the # of posts/price/rep details to get black.
  2. T3A guy


  3. What program?
  4. now that's just plain fair and just plain would work. @V3NOM, agree.
  5. I think we should make an equation for the number of posts we need to have no flood control. (joe walls posts) + 1 = number of posts needed to not have flood control.
  6. Dude those are some $%#^%# good binoculars if u can see SC from California.
  7. LOL, he has a deep smexy voice. He only sounded like that when he made the sound.
  8. A
  9. Wow, that's interesting.
  10. The guy who is either posting: or
  11. I'm on teh fone with sotg and I recorded it. He made a cat sound. Audio.zip
  12. Where are the boobs? Someone give me a microscope.
  13. My ideas: 5 posts to download attachments 10 posts to get chatbox 150 posts for VIP
  14. What's the stuff around its/his/her eyes?
  15. The second one is way too dark.
  16. Does he have eyes? Or are those empty sockets? I can't really tell.
  17. ROFL.
  18. Ya, so you wanna help me?
  19. Look at the topic number and think what the last topic number would be.
  20. Do you know what wikipedia is?
  21. If anyone would like to work with me on a wiki page on halo 3 modding please tell me, I'm bored. Edit: BTW this is the end of the topics that start with 117.
  22. I'm not sure but I think xplorer 360 isn't compatible with 60 gb HD yet. You should try Xport Even though you have said that you have tried Xport I believe that this newer version might work.
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