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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. The CAT, not lolcat, the CAT has only one layer. I have made 100 layers of animation in the lolbot. ALSO there is that $%#^%# annoying little dot in the bottom left corner.
  2. You noob! That's not a lolcat... it's just a regular cat.
  3. T3A guy

    New Style

    Why didn't you put the tits in the pic?
  4. Do you have an invite for me?
  5. It doesn't pass #4 lol.
  6. Yeah, so any other good sites you know of?
  7. They also don't pass #1.
  8. Doesn't meet requirements 2 and 4.
  9. I was wondering if there was an ad system that meets the following requirements: Uses Paypal Allows money to be sent to people younger than 18 years Doesn't use audio in the ad's Pays a decent amount
  10. Yeah, I'm pretty "shure" you don't know how to spell either.
  11. LOL
  12. Oh yea I never added a scan Scan and then there is the Yahoo Source
  13. Do yo have a source you could cite for proof it is also on msn?
  14. Ya lol, I'm not sure if it steals it. I think it may just log in to your account and spam ur friends with that message.
  15. You got banned.
  16. FOR AIM: Just to warn all of you guys if you get a message saying (DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS LINK) or something similar to that DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT IF YOU DO THEN THEY WILL HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND WILL SEND THAT MESSAGE TO ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS if you do get this message you should also tell the user who sent it that he needs to reinstall aim to get rid of it.
  17. The colt one made me ROFL.
  18. Someone has been on 4chan.
  19. T3A guy

    Best rapper

    SotG Caboose is the best rapper.
  20. Oh here come black to show off his crappy connection.
  21. I just realized that Comcast is available here. Then never advertise so I wouldn't know.
  22. As.sholes >.< Gawd if only comcast were availible here.
  23. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU http://www.speedtest.net/result/430843958.png
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