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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. T3A guy

    Halo 4?

    http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/4489/mycover3ae.jpg http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/4566/killtrocitydvdcover22on.jpg http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/1046/killtrocitydvdcover47lk.jpg
  2. I need stuff to make the background. I have no idea what to do.
  3. So L33T.
  4. T3A guy


    I told you having your D out of line would cost you. If only 0.2 points.
  5. T3A guy


    Gosh I should do that with my paintings.
  6. T3A guy


    You messed up on the D. It fell over on its side.
  7. I clicked both. I don't get it.
  8. Ya and make it over 100 layers of animation(good animation), and I will admit it is better.
  9. It has over 100 layers 0_o
  10. hmm
  11. Rolling on the floor laughing?
  12. Wait, what country is that guy fighting for?
  13. What's C+? LOL
  14. T3A guy


    I LOLed so hard.
  15. Nice copy/paste.
  16. T3A guy

    M$ Paint

    Try to make it smaller first pl0x.
  17. T3A guy

    M$ Paint

    That is amazing! I can haz?
  18. T3A guy

    Animated GIF

    GIMP is sooo l33t!
  19. Don't bump m8.
  20. T3A guy

    Animated GIF

    I used a generator for my userbar. If you want to know how I made the lolbot ( http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/lolbot.gif ) then you can AIM me at T3A_guy, or MSN at mikesmith8329@hotmail.com
  21. "Recon sig" rhymes with "me yawn big" jk lol It is ok except it feels blurry.
  22. Twin towers The Subliminal CookBook Package comes with "Finding Subliminal Messages".
  23. Well it's page two. 1) It has sex on the ice cubes which is positive and the second one has teeth which is negative. 2) The first is red which is considered heavy and subliminally bad while the second set of flowers has sex in them. 3) The third one, well: http://www.planetperplex.com/img/cocacola_subliminal.jpg The subliminals won 17-13. Normally subliminals are played over and over and everywhere. Busses, billboards, ect. so this may be why it was so close to a tie. I have decided to make a subliminal image in my signature and then bump this topic to finish this test. I will be making the subliminal image with Subliminal Visualizer.
  24. http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/8109/534435.png http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_brIyg5OdFyg/SR7m9KgbLaI/AAAAAAAAB1g/1EMrePL1OYs/s320/2.jpg
  25. In the white spaces between the flowers?
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