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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Not really...
  2. I only have 2 inches of snow
  3. If mac made a car it would be cleaner run 1/2 the speed of a microsoft car come in one model would get hit by beach balls people wouldn't bother stealing it they would be very pretty but not powerful
  4. I'm going to pirate a car.
  5. Sadface Noone gets it. This could make computers anywhere from 1.99999 times as fast to 1.2 times as fast BUT NOT 2 lol 2 is the asymptote.
  6. What GMOF says whenever I make posts like the one I'm about to make. So anyway, you know how standard binary goes like 0-0 1-1 10-2 11-3 100-4 101-5 110-6 111-7 Well with my idea rather than the formula for the number of digits used (x) and the highest number possible (y) being 2^x-1=y... (If you dont understand this statement then post that you don't and I will explain) ...my idea would use the 0's more efficiently and would use the formula 2(2^x)-3 = y It is hard to explain how this works so I will show you how this works. 0-0 1-1 00-2 01-3 10-4 11-5 notice how with 2 digits I got to the number 5 2(2^(2))-3 2(4)-3=5 where as in the old version I got to 3 with 2 digits 2^(2)-1 4-1=3 and I will continue into 3 digits as the end of this post. 000-6 001-7 010-8 011-9 100-10 101-11 110-12 111-13
  7. Make an app that lets you resign containter files. That would be interesting to see.
  8. I have noticed that some sections have a fast reply button which makes everything... well... faster. Why is it in some sections and not others?
  9. What month or week should we be expecting them?
  10. Does that matter which debug console he has?
  11. It looks l33t if it wasn't shoop'd
  12. Cool, I love these things.
  13. I don't think he is skilled, but being someone without a debug console, I think it is interesting.
  14. T3A guy


    There must be something I'm missing that makes this post worthy.
  15. T3A guy


  16. You link phailed. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/normalhalo3bylego.jpg
  17. Dude I didn't even end up doing this because there are like 20 people with dev kits who will do this for free. You don't need my money anymore
  18. It's so funny how a projectile going 2 mph can kill you.
  19. Sorry it was in a different topic:
  20. It is according to lewie a demo which conveniently looks like a retail 360.
  21. Don't forget unicon (for the con modding)
  22. Silly halo3 you're a game, you already have the maps, but you have to have other people play them on you.
  23. Read epilisions post.
  24. Last time you talked to him he was some weird liberal.
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