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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. I use firefox 3... and I am going to check out this firefox minefield peaches is talking about.
  2. T3A guy

    Best rapper

    Other - Barack Obama
  3. You wet your bed?
  4. Someone should bump that thread. That would be epic.
  5. Download pl0x.
  6. T3A guy

    Best rapper

    Music is like candy. It is better without the rappers.
  7. I remember when it was only 2k Members.
  8. T3A guy


    In middle school 2 people got their parents called for holding hands, while 2 dykes don't get in trouble for $%#^%# each other in a bathroom.
  9. http://crispen.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/12/11/bioshock_360_fob_final_2.png
  10. We need to email all of the members when we get to 10,000 so the site gets a few more active members.
  11. T3A guy


    I get it but it isn't that funny. It is well put together though.
  12. I don't get it
  13. T3A guy


    Wow, that's epic.
  14. Are you sure you are 16?
  15. And post them on their youtube channel.
  16. You can't because films are basically controller data. For example it might say at 7:15.4 in the video player 1 presses the A button.
  17. Go to this hulu video at 7:18.
  18. T3A guy


    Ya, ima buy some pi.
  19. LOL you said came.
  20. Damn not me yet.
  21. I can haz test sexy?
  22. Ya, I was thinking rep and typed posts sorry. I'm out of it. I did read it all though.
  23. T3A guy

    halo 3 test mod

    I like it. It is one of the better mods I have seen.
  24. Cool, thanks for the info. I'm not arguing, but isn't 3000 posts a little steep?
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