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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. delete the bot in system/update.exe
  2. you dont need a resigner to mod you need it to play it with other people. Don't you need to resign it to play it at all. wow r u the only1 who gets it?
  3. congratulations your the first person here to realize what forge mod means! ill giv it 2 u rehashed but not resigned
  4. epilogue and inro arent playable either
  5. impossible forge maps are limited to the placement of objects on the map and that is all that will be modded ever
  6. shadow lag and sligstorm are associated in no way.
  7. well i got banned 4 spamming up the forums right b4 i left, anyway i dont wanna start a flamewar so truce, if im an diot i dont wanna be an idiot with an infraction.
  8. ok if i was banned then how could i have changed my sig to what it is, i left b4 i was banned, and sorry mini or watever your name is, ill just call u Ppod but i wasnt reerring to your post i was referring to the 1 b4 tht sorry i thot it was about u.
  9. i probably know way more than u, at least my questions are intelligent. anyway im here cuz i left *****
  10. we will never have halo3 modded .map files!
  11. some of the people on this website are very unaware of what is going on in the halo 3 modding world, so i am going to tell you. 1. map and con files xbox 360 con files are gamesaves, forge variants, xbl demos, ect. .map can run halo 3 map files. to crack the con it would take about 2 weeks to crack the .map it would literally take to the end of humanity, our best chance of ever moding .map is if we stole the key from one of the bungie computers, in otherwords, not going to happen. 2. How are people like Shad0w Lag playing modded .map files then? Shad0w Lag plays them with a Dev-Kit, also referred as a XDK with a modded xex, or xbox exacutable file. Dev kits are normally sold illegally for around 750$ a piece. or a given to developers for free from bungie. 3. I have con resigned but it still wont load? you have to rehash the map, i think there is a tut in this section on how that is done. 4. Q and A: Q: 2. Does anyone know the public key for the RSA thingy? and will they let me know? A: for anyone who deosnt know what rsa is go here: http://world.std.com/~franl/crypto/rsa-guts.html and which public key are you speaking of? Q: at what offset can i find the crc hash? A: you shouldnt bother with map mods cuz there never going to happen. ibot says there are these magical offline hashes so i paraphrase: modding halo 3 is like peeling a potatoe, if you cant peel it at the counter everyone knows you cant peel it, but if you peel it in another room yu dont have to prove that you can peel it, in otherwords there is no difference between offline and online hashing. Q: Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you need a resigner to mod. A: Yes for all forms of halo 3 modding you need a resigner, it doesnt matter if your on xbl or not.
  12. Add up hex values so your saying for example if the map value was: 12 34 56 78 then the hash would be: 00 00 00 20
  13. of course you cant see the skins, you need a dev kit with a modded xex to see it.
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