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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. T3A guy

    It was fun.

    iBotModz, This was a great community, and I'm sorry for showing my immaturity when I was 14-15 (now 18). You guys had unique and fun people. I learned a lot here and I will miss IBM along with the good old days. One of my favorite things about this website was that you could talk to the same people every day. On other websites if you have a question you or a comment it will either be ignored or answered by someone you will probably never talk to again. I don't talk to many people I met on here, but this was a great means of communication with some friends I still know such as Caboose. I miss most of the active members here, they were all great. This website made a small chunk of my life and I thank you guys for that. I will miss you all. Thanks a bunch IBM. http://members.tripod.com/neptune_v/images/image150.jpg
  2. I only have $38000 saved. I can only spend $3000 of it though. And if there are no other bids I don't think he has any other options. Thats how an auction works.
  3. T3A guy

    Ban game

    Ban for misspelling sense
  4. Okay, I'll bid $500 Enjoy your new overlord.
  5. Since ibotz is closing you should charge $2 for a vip account.
  6. Yeah, Jesus was episcopalian not vegetarian.
  7. suregottold.com
  8. After all its the avacodos that benefit from the missing doornobs
  9. lolcode
  10. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/1184/slowpokea.png
  11. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/1184/slowpokea.png
  12. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/1184/slowpokea.png
  13. It's okay, It'll get better, I'm back.
  14. Just made $30 by not filling out surveys for days, but making sandwiches for 4 hours.
  15. http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/7256/17039989.png
  16. Why are you posting an inside joke on an active thread? Also, here is a comparison of our faces: http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/3987/87172955.gif
  17. Dratini
  18. I'm still not 7.
  19. http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/17/image201007150004.jpg Haven't been here for a while. Probably will be active Sep 14th. Edit: let me try and find cabooses picture.
  20. install gentoo
  21. Whoa this would be the funniest video on youtube except its not 2006.
  23. T3A guy


    I did. Worst thing I have ever bought. I realized my Macbook Pro can't do shit so I installed vista and realized it was way better than osx and THEN I realized that could have paid the 1/3 that for a computer already with Vista. I guess it's a stereotype that Mac haters haven't had a Mac.
  24. T3A guy


    I bet under 6
  25. T3A guy


    Macs are like PC's except for homosexual hipsters who like to spend more (of their fathers) money. There's a gentoo builds out now so you don't have an excuse not to at least try. http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/where.xml
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