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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Now? http://tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:IXVNWU...1OYs/s320/2.jpg
  2. Bottom of the 4th image.
  3. **sigh**
  4. You got the other half right good job.
  5. Half Right Right Wrong
  6. First set: half right Second set: Wrong
  7. Link?
  8. http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/2540/internetseriousvq1.jpg
  9. Have you heard of treehouse friends?
  10. LMAO WTF
  11. When/if we get to page 2 I'll tell you which picture gives you a positive subliminal image and which gives a negative image.
  12. Remove that FE I want this to be voted on based on their ideas not spoilers
  13. ---There are subliminal messages--- Do they work. Here is the kit to make them in VIP: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=11912&do=findComment&comment=73104 Remember to vote
  14. Any Domain services?
  15. Where is the "add"? All I see is a torrent and an ad.
  16. Gabe made one but it isn't public.
  17. What is the difference between a virut and virus?
  18. So twam could give lifetime (One Time Fee Of 60$) Setup Fee - 0$ Web Space - ∞ GB Bandwidth - ∞ GB MySQL - ∞ Addon Domains - ∞ Parked Domains - ∞ FTP Accounts - ∞
  19. T3A guy

    Animated GIF

    Are you asking how to make the images in an animation or just put those pictures into an animation?
  20. Really? I remember bungie having problems with real time reflection on the helmet because of lag. Now it is that reflection on a much larger area.
  21. fap fap fap jk lol
  22. That must be hella laggy.
  23. So you can say
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