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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. LOL, I think you're still missing something. Can I just say 30 second for each?
  2. LOL, that helps a lot.
  3. Wouldn't 17,1,1,1 work? The problem is worded funny.
  4. All 360 arcade?
  5. 89??
  6. T3A guy

    New Staff

  7. I feel sorry for you.
  8. T3A guy

    Custom Themes!

    can I have one with four pictures of eazy b?
  9. In ipb3 can we have our old skin back?
  10. Oh, nvm LOL.
  11. LOL, how much did you spend?
  12. You mean smart kids who use newegg.
  13. What college are you guys going too?
  14. congratulations!
  15. It's an adjective.
  16. You wasted money on your ram. 4gb ram 3ghz CPU 500gb external hd, 250 internal Nivida gfx card Vista/xp
  17. So do you. Please bitch, ...
  18. Parenthese are brackets?
  19. I think it's Brackets Eponents Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction
  20. It's a religion that doesn't believe in conflict between religions, and believes that money should be spent to help others.
  21. I would rather wait for the final so we don't have to deal with all of the bugs.
  22. Idgaf if he's staff. He can't make fun of my religion.
  23. Sense my other thread is fail, I'll give my $ to the winner of this one.
  24. Yung, no smart comments about religions.
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