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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Moooaaarrrrr?
  2. make a video.
  3. don't flame. An eye for an eye leaves two people blind and people would learn not to poke out eyes after seeing that. And the uk has 1/5 the people of the US so that is invalid.
  4. Can a mod change my vote to 3.5?
  5. T3A guy


    Where is your proof?
  6. T3A guy


    God I hate these pyramid schemes.
  7. We do mod.. Alot... Even though it sucks.
  8. The death penalty costs more than life in prison, but the death penalty deters about 6 murders per execution.
  9. Memester chief v2 ftw. Winna gets $5.
  10. Wut...
  11. lololol
  12. Voted 4.
  13. Where is the pole? All I see is a poll.
  14. LOL, I like that.
  15. ODST, recon is overrated and stupid.
  16. He said there can be at most 2 but there can be one.
  17. What is the down side to having more than 2 skins?
  18. Thanks, I agree. It's not like I'm telling other people their religion is wrong. Those are the people who should be infracted, not me.
  19. Wow, only 25$. You should buy it.
  20. Why don't you take the pic Leo made out of your sig.
  21. Omega bump, anyway, rogue has a dev kit.
  22. Try miccy D's
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