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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. You need 1000 rep in ipb3.
  2. Name it Yoruba.
  3. will eazy pwn? We'll see...
  4. Can you please give me my hosting account back or give me a refund?
  5. You have pictures.
  6. T3A guy


    Hey, that was me not him. -.-
  7. Wasn't like half the video a fight scene?
  8. Randomizleet
  9. T3A guy

  10. Herbal tea? Anyway nice job.
  11. one of the best machinimas I have seen in a while, but somewhat sloppy camera work. 10/10
  12. I have been for the past week.
  13. T3A guy


    Oh wait LOL wrong thread, I gave 10 to ibm. Hold on, I'll give u some.
  14. I loled. I was seeing all these pictures then out of no where I see that
  15. T3A guy


  16. Cool, do you need any more money?
  17. -10/-10
  18. He's not black.
  19. T3A guy


    Don't make 10% go to the site. If we want to donate to the site then we can click the donate button on the top.
  20. Everone! There is a new form of swine flu (H1N1) it has mutated to H1Z1 and it turned people into zombies! Google it!
  21. Gawd I hate digitalph33r.
  22. So if u support people being able to live then u support evil?
  23. Name?
  24. They didn't use a map resigner.
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