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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. LOLz, you should have sent me a PM. Money sent.
  2. Links? Lulz
  3. I loled. Thanks for this thread.
  4. VIP only I think.
  5. T3A guy


    Try "Harder Better Faster Stronger".
  6. But we demoted slip and Smokie, we only have 4 mods and we have 9000 members. Eazy, dan, gabe, xenon and smokie for mod.
  7. But we demoted slip and Smokie, we only have 4 mods and we have 9000 members. Eazy, dan, gabe, xenon and smokie for mod.
  8. Lololololol, member numbers 9098 and 9099, and both with zero posts. Something may be up. :::::ppppp
  9. LOL but really, it's an easy google.
  10. Download 7zip to extract them
  11. T3A guy


    neither does trolling.
  12. Nice jon, you should make it really dark.
  13. T3A guy


    You said I wouldn't ever pass you. You should have kept your eyes open.
  14. I thought your friend was in detox so you made that your name? *changes detox.txt*
  15. No! My topic!
  16. I used to be teabagger cuz I teabagged people, now I'm teaguy cuz it's close to teabagger and I like tea.
  17. LOL, I started the whole bump thing.
  18. Poli = many Tics = blood sucking creatures
  19. What is included in the update?
  20. T3A guy


    Starting today you need at least 1000 posts to be in the top 20. 1000 posts for me.
  21. Can you please give me the original post? I'm not sure I want to trust someone with 10 posts.
  22. I think pro death penalty won this debate. /close?
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