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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. I asked them if I could have a dev kit for machinima purposes like roosterteeth does and they hung up.
  2. Wow, I never would have thought of taking a guy that was already there back.
  3. T3A guy


    thanks but I think this is already posted.
  4. Peaches, do you know the answer?
  5. Call me zeny is a scammer.
  6. Our brains are 4 times the size of a monkeys also.
  7. K, now I can watch Edit: super sexy
  8. looks like it, the only number I can get is 19.
  9. Ed and bob go, bob comes back. 11 Steve and bob go, bob comes back. 6 John and bob go and they're all there. 2 19
  10. Is the only thing it does look good?
  11. Memester chief ftw.
  12. No smart remarks, last warning. Edit Curtis' post too. All I did was agree with him.
  13. T3A guy


    nice, I'm assuming you used VB?
  14. Then who is Budhas grandpa?
  15. According to pastafarianism chuck norris made god.
  16. I kindof like the memester chief.
  17. T3A guy


    I think they're lights.
  18. The smallest time I can get is 24 min. John and bob go, bob is dropped off and john goes back. -4 Steve and john go, john is dropped off. Steve goes back. -10 Ed and Steve go, they both arrive. -10
  19. T3A guy


    That's what it looks like.
  20. Google was fine for me. I hope this didn't affect ibm.
  21. In ipb3 I think we are getting something somewhat similar.
  22. T3A guy

    New Staff

    I have told them this about 100 times. Hopefully they listen to you.
  23. Didn't you say you learned your lesson about leaking?
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