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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. me
  2. Promote him to subadmin
  3. It should be, lol. Ours has 22,000 people watching, so LAGGG.
  4. T3A guy


    All they showed was a planet going on fire then they said Halo Reach. Nothing special. Besides, they're ruining the Halo series by rushing out multiple halo games.
  5. Starts 1:25 Eastern Expires 3:25 Eastern http://e3.g4tv.com/e32009/pressconference/microsoft/19/ or http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/
  6. He's one of those guys who go to a ton of forums to post this stuff.
  7. Caratti was gfx? Why not anymore?
  8. It looks like magic kingdom.
  9. I forgot, don't tell them to download winrar, Download 7-zip. Anyone of you who have tried it would agree.
  10. To be in control his life you should ban him every other day for one day I think you should stay though. You are a good member and a good friend.
  11. my third recycled idea
  12. Yeah, basically. Boosie gave me a link: http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/to...topic_id=388582
  13. Is it okay if I come bye late? I'm going to a party in about 40 min.
  14. I LOVE OLD NEWS DONT YOU??????!!!!
  15. Hello, I was wondering if anyone here has the code (in C++) to view and edit your RAM. I tried google and found nothing. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  16. [quote name='PREPPY DIABLO' date='May 30 2009, 02:56 PM' post='92012'] my bg [/quote] I don't see an image in ur bbcode
  17. why would I with only two decimals?
  18. I messed up on the year thing but I'm right on the parenthesis.
  19. Yep
  20. It's an exponent, like 2^3=8
  21. Happy 100th birthday Kate smith!
  22. Wow, u guys suck
  23. (Total posts + days you have been here * 3 + (10- number of characters in name)^5 + (3- number of numbers in name)^7)/100 (1070 +721*3 + (10-7)^5 + (3-1)^7)/100 (1070 + 2162 + 243 + 128)/100 3603/100 36.03 leet points
  24. No
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