first you have to go into mange user groups then click on edit group on the group you want to change the color what then you have to do is put this in under Online List Format [Prefix] and put this under Online List Format [suffix]
ok my clan board is powered by invisionfree and i had this same problem. ok go into manage forums and then go into each forum and click permissions. read is for the person to view the forums on the board and reply, start, and upload i think you know. and you just check off the ones you want that group can do. i hope this helped.
these are some pretty cool light mods my favorite was butterfly hill now i can prance around jkjk and beserker has a point you should make a christmas mod
Don't trust Shadowz. He only has 1 post. So he is new to modding. Have an original modder mod it like me. I'll do it for free to cause i only mod for fun.
Since I'm in a good mood I'll help. You have to get a device called xsata or xport 360. I prefer xport 360. Then get Xplorer 360. Then take the .map files off your 360 and then your done.
i find this post really helpful to the noobs who say oh i made a con resigner or a .map resigner. well news to you noobs we can now tell if your lying or not.