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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Well i turn it on then it turns off every 5 mins form overheating. No it doesnt have the three rings of death. What do I do. EDIT: also when it turns off it doesnt read a disk and the opener dont open
  2. guys give him a friggin break he made this and i believe him hes the admin on my site with me so i believe him
  3. see now you know its fake cause me and valid got the same date
  4. I suggest we have a debate forum. It would bring out the argues in us. It would also be sorta competitive. Well I just think its a good idea.
  5. i'm a level 50 in swat now if you need any help
  6. Yea well my cell phone the lg fusic got a crack in it and now theres a black hole in it. I was thinking my step-father said he would give me his rumor. Is it worth it? Yes I text a lot.
  7. yea i agree that was like a 2 month bump
  8. wow guys all he ever asked for was to be on the gfx team for like 1 year. hes good at gfx and i dont see why he didnt get the position. i think he derserves it. hes the only one thats been trying 125% to get on the gfx team. i dont think anybodys ever tried that hard. now look what happened hes gone. you guys just lost one of the most best gfx people ever, great job.
  9. wow it says: Note: This is just for entertainment and we are strongly against anyone taking serious actions based on this result - date of death.
  10. yea i dont think it should be invite this site has a lot of new modders looking for help and this is like the only place that is organized for them to do that
  11. just try to reformat and i'll look around for a cmd command that can do that and also google it
  12. yea i'll look around to and try norton thats my favorite
  13. either use bitlord or bit comet
  14. make playable mods thats my only suggestion
  15. iKhaosmaster


    this really isnt a mod its just sentinels and crates
  16. i wish that was possible without a dev kit
  17. this is pretty cool mod i just downloaded it
  18. iKhaosmaster


    well i do like this but the only thing is on the right is that black spot
  19. dont ask that here and why bump such an old topic
  20. kid do you read? this doesnt belong here it goes under halo 3 help/support.
  21. i agree with everybody else make it brighter
  22. i agree whats so great about changing a name?
  23. try re downloading the .map file
  24. just swap it with anything it doesnt really matter
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