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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. who would want to add you steven like really... jkjk i would if i had zune but i dont
  2. dude that was funny keep posting them
  3. dude thanks for this list it really helps a lot so now i dont have to look for them all
  4. i dont need a 50 cause i'm already a 50 in swat unless you could help in team doubles
  5. dude thats fing sweet i would buy that for like 500 dollars
  6. i wish we could mod guitar hero 3 that would be awesome
  7. yea its to dark for me lighten it up a little and if your gonna keep it dark fix the black part on the top
  8. yea i like the 3rd one is my favorite it just sticks out to me
  9. iKhaosmaster

    Anime 08

    yea i agree with dice the render sticks out to much but other than that chilleh your still the god of gfx
  10. sweeny you are so fing pro you gotta make me one
  11. nice job dude i love it i wish i had v bulletin
  12. well i've never heard of it but i'll try it out
  13. dude i believe in you you deserve that spot you try wicked hard dude. i have like 125% respect for you. and your really good its just some people are stupid
  14. well you have a point with that but booting is bad i hate booters their annoying
  15. well i tried the fan and dusting it out and it didnt work
  16. I agree except this is my number 1 movie i watch it at least 3 times a week its just a great movie and smokiest you have to see it
  17. well the transfer kit transfers slowly and i would suggest getting xport because its mobile and it transfers fast
  18. if it wont detect both hardrives then theres something wrong with your 360
  19. iKhaosmaster

    Need .MAP

    just use the .map downloader i posted
  20. i'll help you and i already have you on my aim so
  21. since its not playable nice job i like it just add more stuff
  22. this is a nice list sphere this is gonna help me a lot i'm not gonna use johnson anymore
  23. looks like a pretty good map and is it playable?
  24. thats the whole point of a debate. you try and argue with each other to prove a point.
  25. yea i think smokey won
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