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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. there are slayer and a bunch of other ones
  2. dont download it its just the flooded last resort v 3
  3. i would like to see a flooded high ground
  4. just don't release it at all
  5. i hate it how people always do this
  6. iKhaosmaster

    Modding help

    you have to use both the rehasher and resigner and then xsata it back to your xbox
  7. yea invite me my gamertag is bigkillerjoe875
  8. these are really cool i like all the detail
  9. i think this is pretty good
  10. this is really cool i like the puffs of smoke
  11. this is really cool it has perfect detail
  12. all you mostly did was change the pic but i like the rain though
  13. ok this is really good i like the background but i don't get the image
  14. this is really good but i agree with all the other people the pen tool is not needed
  15. this is really awesome i don't know how you guys do this stuff but i want to learn
  16. did you make this
  17. i could even make this
  18. legacy you are wicked good at GFX
  19. save this into a .png
  20. dude this is definetly your best one ever
  21. ok she is really good
  22. this is rlly good i probably gonna take graphics arts in next year
  23. did you make that from scratch?
  24. how hard is it to make these things?
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