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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. guys just copy and paste the 4spark.net part it worked for me
  2. i love this movie its really good and i recommend it to most people
  3. this movie looks stupid and like a waste of money i hate animated movies well some of them
  4. mine would have to be Sweet Child of Mine by Guns N' Roses
  5. yea that was pretty good and that quality was awesome for youtube considering the point most youtube videos come out like crap
  6. marine has a point but i always use adobe premiere i love it i am so used to it. p.s. all the noobs out there use windows movie maker its easy for begginers
  7. this effect rocks it also fun to use and makes the video look stylish
  8. i have no idea you best bet would be to look on cnet
  9. iKhaosmaster

    New modder

    what you could do is pm and if you want i'll teach you how to mod its really simple
  10. these mods are alright you mostly did the smae thing over and over again it shouldnt have been that long
  11. this is a nice list lex it would be nice if you updated it more though
  12. dont make it from flash it would be to big it would look nice but just to big. also just use nuk's site it rocks
  13. you might want to put pictures up and the link is broken please fix it
  14. what you have to do is search for your name in hxd then go 4 lines down six over on the fourth line and the next four are the helmets and the armor for recon and flaming you would put in 03 03 03 08 i hope that helped
  15. i would download this and try it but my 360 dont work so
  16. dude thanks so much for this it helps so much. especially for the new modders.
  17. yes there is a way by editing some files but there is no tutorial out now until then sorry, you cant have recon.
  18. yay the sites back on i'm happy
  19. well its not like i'm gonna be a jackass just like other people who make them do it for like 20 dollars thats what i hate they make people spend money. its like come on really.
  20. Ok everybody listen up. I have started a modding film business. Yes its free i just like to call it business. I will mod any film for you. You must specify what armor you want, if you want a new name, if you want a new service tag, or if you want your persons colors changed. Just private message me if you want one modded. You must get the film xsatad yourself andthen send it to me. *I bigkillerjoe875 am not responsible for any thing that happens to you. This includes getting banned from Halo 3, x box live, or anything. This is a non-profit organization. We do no charge for anything. Thus this includes my statement and am not responsible for anything that happens to you. Thank you have a nice day.
  21. i could care less if they ban me i'll just create a new account like shotspartin
  22. Nuk this has got to be the best site ever for mods other than ibotmodz of course. i cant wait to get my xport to put these on.
  23. lmao this is wicked funny i agree with redstar never play burnt games or that will happen
  24. yo dude thanks for these lists it must take a lot of time to make them. well +rep to you.
  25. well to join that user group go into find/edit user and find the user you want to put in the group and there should be a little thing that has a slide bar and there should be the groups
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