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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. that stinks that you cant get the water to work it would make the map perfect if it had water
  2. great mod dude i'll be taking a look at this
  3. these are the people that are ruining halo 3 by posting porn mods. and could a mod please move this to help/support?
  4. this is awesome it wold be a perfect sniping map
  5. nice mod dansome keep up the good work
  6. this mod is awesome a must download
  7. now bungie should allow these types of mods
  8. the link is dead please upload it again
  9. nice mod dude i like it makes it good for stealthy purposes
  10. i like it dude nice job i bet i could make a better one though
  11. Well here it is. One of the best ones i made. Hope you like it. http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/teracannon/lxvgrizzly.png
  12. Here ya go Korupt. I was bored so here ya go. Yes ik it sucks. http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/teracannon/koruptsig.png
  13. This is the latest sig i have created for myself. I worked hard on this one. Comments and compliments would be great. I just fixed the text. http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/teracannon/sig-1.png
  14. Yay! Ibotmodz is almost at 4000 members. We are currently at 3909. So that means 91 more members left. 4000 members is a lot. Lets all thank Peaches for such an incredible site. Thank you Peaches.
  15. so this is pretty much a hack that pretty much gives you infinite everything
  16. i'll have to try this later on. looks like fun.
  17. i can still use media center if i have this right?
  18. thank you for this awesome list i will hopefully use most of these
  19. i think the version on the ds is going to stink. the controls are all going to be weird and the graphics will most likely be bad.
  20. ok this is what is going on microsoft is putting an update up that is you can have your own mii. i think its a good idea for the the other people. i also heard a rumor going around that you can customize your person to look like another character from a game. i think thats pretty kool. now thats all i heard.
  21. i think it shouldnt. reason being is theres not that many spammers anymore like smokiest said its only one person.
  22. I want the new instinct by sprint which i'm getting next month. http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/photos/scaled.Instinct_Fun_Menu_High_res.jpg
  23. iKhaosmaster


    i really want to see this movie but i'm broke so i cant go see it. i'll just download a torrent or somethin
  24. i personally dont like this type of music i'm more of a heavy metal and rock person
  25. those are wicked funny i'm gonna add them to my ipod
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