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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. jordan stop resigning for people your gonna get the keypairs banned
  2. you'll get it dont worry it just takes a while to make
  3. thats a good idea that you wont anymore so bungie wont ban the keypairs. why would you resign for anybody anyways.
  4. good luck with the clan. if anybody wants to join mine, we have our own forums, the name is high peak modding. if you want to join private message me and i'll give you my site. P.S.- we have a resigner to and xsata. we also have unreleased programs.
  5. yay first post. i think nuklear will win.
  6. dude specify what trailer you are talking about. i think he's talking about halo wars though.
  7. dont have superasion resign he's only a big liar
  8. this is actually pretty cool. how did you do that
  9. it is impossible for this to happen without a gametype editor
  10. nobody resign it for him this is his second time posting this. p.s.- tylers right they dont spawn
  11. i was looking through the tags one time and i found pelican try that
  12. that was a pretty funny prank but i didn't fall for it
  13. that is awesome. sadly i cant put it on my 360 because my 360's cooling fan is broken.
  14. yo i gave it to you and i told you everything to do but then i posted a better download link if you dont have the other one i gave you pm me
  15. this is a very nice find and a great idea
  16. this is a very creative mod i like it this was a great idea i give it 8/10
  17. i hate bungie so fing much why dont they mod their own business
  18. i really dont like these mods so i give them a 3/10
  19. nobody download this it is a waste of money
  20. dude noone will trade you a con resigner. they may resign for you but not trade.
  21. ok listen ask sillybob123 to xsata for you and have hyperstorm to resign for you. they will both do those two steps for you.
  22. thank you for all your comments i appreciate them
  23. have a great summer legacy. plus rep goes to you.
  24. plus rep to you to slipstream i cant get on live because my 360 turns off every 5 mins so i will be getting a new one next week.
  25. Hello everybody. Most of you know me as bigkillerjoe875. AKA the big meany poo poo head to some people. lol. Well i am here today telling you I am leaving just like Dark Slipstream. No i am not copying him but he had a good point most of us dont have a life when we're on here. Plus just like him my grades are bad and i need to catch up on summer reading, i hate reading. I will still be on this site sometimes but not 24/7 like i usually am. I also have a family, friends, and the best girlfriend in the world i need to hang out with and take care of. I will start modding and still mod but will only mod once a month so start giving me suggestions. I will still be willing to help everybody around here with stuff but only once in a little while. Well i guess this is a goodbye and what i said being on here i probably will be on here once a month. Well goodbye everybody. I know half of you wont miss me but see ya. Like they say âââ¬ÃâRemember me and smile, for it's better to forget than remember me and cry.âââ¬Ã and âââ¬ÃâWhy can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.âââ¬Ã P.S.- I am not copying Slipstream he had a good point we all should have a life.
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