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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. look around it johnson youll find it somewhere close to the top or look at the tag list sphere made
  2. i think this is awesome i just dont like the vertical view if it
  3. nice remake anarchy and hero i l love yours the sharpening is awesome and the tect is also
  4. iKhaosmaster


    i like this one the best it looks like you took the longest time on this one
  5. the only thing that needs work is the text
  6. you have no idea wat your talking about and i think its awesome i think the opposite of everything kyle said
  7. yea i think its really good the join now just goes a little to fast
  8. its a bit to dark for me
  9. yea i really like this you make orginal stuff and that is really a good style i give this one a 5/5
  10. iKhaosmaster


    yea i agree hes really good at them
  11. its a real fast version of limewire it can like download movies in like 2 mins and songs in like 5 secs
  12. how are we supposed to know that it will get noticed and if our map is unreleased that you wont release it
  13. anyways if you did take the map which i know you didnt just give the orginal author credit
  14. yea i dont think that is halo wars decatur and i think they will come out wit that it would be sick
  15. i would rather use limewire turbo
  16. im a 50 and no prestige
  17. yea peaches thanks a ton for this
  18. yea ive been up for that to and ill post back to if anything ground breakin about it though
  19. yay now i have 600 gamerscore on this game thank you a ton
  20. i love the show and hte game and like i said its really not that bad
  21. yea ima download this and see if it works sorry if i bumped this
  22. finally its back up ive been fing waiting for this ever since they said they would fix it they never did but now they did now im happy
  23. i agree please noobs go away and yea this site needs more fun stuff
  24. cant wait till the download link comes i think you should put like a default browser option though
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