I am amazed of this program. I love your site dude. I get all my stuff from there. I seriously hope you guys never shut down. What did you use to program this. C#, C++, or VB?
Message to Mcmodder: I have been watching your actions and posts lately and I would like to say I am disappointed. I have to reported you to someone and they are taking actions. If I were you I would lay low for about two months. Thank you have a good day. sincerely, khaos
A but that has changed my friend. I swear on my life and on the sake of the world I would never leave this site. Even if it's dead. Me and Eli deserve this spot for many reasons.
Ok I know I am not on the list. If you haven't noticed I'm usually on this site from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m.. Personally I think me and Eli should be Moderators. Reasons Why. 1. Currently I run a IPB board with a .com. 2. I provide programs and tutorials with the community. 3. I'm really active. 4. I've been on this site for six months. 5. That's more than most of the people that are running. 6. I have responsibility and the actions to take care of a growing and awesome site. 7. I help the community a lot with all my lists in the VIP section. 8. By being moderator I would make the community more safe. 9. I would also stay active. 10. Why not vote for me. Reasons Eli should be moderator. 1. He's a great friend and he provides us with so much. 2. He helps this site a lot. There's many other reasons. But I'm telling you by voting for us we will make this site grow and never end. We will make this site a community a very large community with no flaming. Protection will be at it's top with us. Sincerely, khaos
Ok I try to create a new project in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition and is says "Requested Registry Access Not Allowed". I have tried everything. I edited the permissions in safe mode, that didn't help. I tried some bat file. I googled it and tried everything. I tried running as administrator and that didn't help. Please help me.