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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Fine don't find out what really happened.
  2. Well here it is. I believe him 100%. V3NOM is r4zorizclutch. XxkhaosmasterxX (4:38:10 PM): First XxkhaosmasterxX (4:38:23 PM): I can tell you everything r4zorizclutch (4:38:31 PM): idc its stupid XxkhaosmasterxX (4:38:35 PM): Listen XxkhaosmasterxX (4:38:40 PM): You have to promise me this XxkhaosmasterxX (4:38:57 PM): No trying to flood me. r4zorizclutch (4:39:00 PM): i wont XxkhaosmasterxX (4:39:02 PM): I have your ip as well r4zorizclutch (4:39:06 PM): no you dont XxkhaosmasterxX (4:39:08 PM): So if anything happens r4zorizclutch (4:39:12 PM): im on a vpn nub XxkhaosmasterxX (4:39:19 PM): ahhhh XxkhaosmasterxX (4:39:21 PM): Please XxkhaosmasterxX (4:39:25 PM): No argumentation XxkhaosmasterxX (4:39:31 PM): No bad words XxkhaosmasterxX (4:39:40 PM): Just a nice civilized person to person talk XxkhaosmasterxX (4:40:11 PM): Now I did not confirm anything XxkhaosmasterxX (4:40:19 PM): I told slip it was possible that you did. XxkhaosmasterxX (4:40:25 PM): But by the looks of it atm XxkhaosmasterxX (4:40:33 PM): It looks like eazyb really jacked the account r4zorizclutch (4:40:38 PM): i didnt i hacked it back form the original owner XxkhaosmasterxX (4:40:40 PM): Because he has it. r4zorizclutch (4:41:02 PM): then i kept it r4zorizclutch (4:41:32 PM): i was letting epsilon borrow it the next day because when i jacked it bakc it was 1 in the mornin XxkhaosmasterxX (4:41:41 PM): Ok XxkhaosmasterxX (4:41:42 PM): So XxkhaosmasterxX (4:41:50 PM): Epsilon then jacked the account from you? r4zorizclutch (4:42:03 PM): epsilon was kool with me having the account as long as he could use it everyday which was our plan r4zorizclutch (4:42:18 PM): then the eazy b took advantage of me when i let him borrow it XxkhaosmasterxX (4:42:28 PM): ahhh r4zorizclutch (4:42:31 PM): he blamed it on epsilon r4zorizclutch (4:42:39 PM): and epsilon blamed it on eazy XxkhaosmasterxX (4:42:42 PM): But why is epsilon saying you stole it then? r4zorizclutch (4:42:57 PM): i stole it back from the original owner r4zorizclutch (4:43:11 PM): and then i was letting everyone use it' XxkhaosmasterxX (4:43:23 PM): He said you wouldn't give it back to him XxkhaosmasterxX (4:43:26 PM): Something like that r4zorizclutch (4:43:38 PM): and after eazy got it he sent the info to who was next which he wasnt supposed to do r4zorizclutch (4:44:00 PM): i was supposed to change the pass first so no one could jack it r4zorizclutch (4:44:20 PM): so when the kid recovered eazy changed alllll the info on the account r4zorizclutch (4:44:42 PM): this happened at like 11 in the morning XxkhaosmasterxX (4:44:48 PM): Ok XxkhaosmasterxX (4:45:00 PM): Do you mind if I log these and send them to Slipstream when he gets on? XxkhaosmasterxX (4:45:06 PM): I believe you 100%. r4zorizclutch (4:45:27 PM): so pretty much i tried calling it in and getting it back except this time they forwarded me to norway's xbl support r4zorizclutch (4:45:41 PM): so i said forget it r4zorizclutch (4:45:50 PM): then epsilon told me it was eazy r4zorizclutch (4:46:00 PM): and yes you can give it to slip r4zorizclutch (4:46:22 PM): so i invited eazy to the party and he was likme ohhh it was epsilon he told me r4zorizclutch (4:47:07 PM): and then i was sooooo maddd but i actuallly believed him XxkhaosmasterxX (4:47:26 PM): Ok listen XxkhaosmasterxX (4:47:32 PM): I'm going to trust you. r4zorizclutch (4:47:31 PM): so then i started to call in epsilon when he told me it was eazy r4zorizclutch (4:47:41 PM): i know just let me finish XxkhaosmasterxX (4:47:42 PM): Let's go into a party on xbox live r4zorizclutch (4:47:47 PM): im at my mom's work XxkhaosmasterxX (4:47:51 PM): o XxkhaosmasterxX (4:47:54 PM): sadface XxkhaosmasterxX (4:47:55 PM): ok XxkhaosmasterxX (4:47:57 PM): keep going r4zorizclutch (4:48:23 PM): and then epsilon told me that eazy told him not to tell me but eazy took the account r4zorizclutch (4:48:44 PM): and he said i guess ill tell you because it doesnt look like im getting the account back r4zorizclutch (4:49:01 PM): so then me and alll my friends started calling in eazy r4zorizclutch (4:49:25 PM): and then epsilon sent me a message saying dont hack eazy hes giving the account back r4zorizclutch (4:49:49 PM): and then eazy said that he got the account back and sent me the info r4zorizclutch (4:50:21 PM): and then he said that the mythic maps arnt worth getting hacked and my modem fried r4zorizclutch (4:50:38 PM): and then i appologized to epsilon r4zorizclutch (4:51:34 PM): and said he could borrow the account reall quick for helping me and he said that it was fine that it was too much dramma for him and he didnt want to get hacked r4zorizclutch (4:52:03 PM): then i got rebanned by peaches when he knew nothing of the incident r4zorizclutch (4:52:11 PM): except wat slip said r4zorizclutch (4:52:32 PM): and slip told me i can have vip back if i give the account back XxkhaosmasterxX (4:52:38 PM): I can confirm eazy has the account XxkhaosmasterxX (4:52:51 PM): He was in my party yesterday with the account r4zorizclutch (4:53:17 PM): and that you epsilon sotg caboose athrun zala eazy b and someone else said that i indeed jacked the account from epsilon r4zorizclutch (4:53:30 PM): i knew that eazy or athrun didnt say anything XxkhaosmasterxX (4:53:35 PM): I didn't confirm that YOU did XxkhaosmasterxX (4:53:41 PM): I said there was a chance you did r4zorizclutch (4:54:05 PM): and that if the eazy did say that then it was just because i said i was goin to jack him r4zorizclutch (4:54:22 PM): and epsilon just said it because he thought i was going to jack him XxkhaosmasterxX (4:54:42 PM): o XxkhaosmasterxX (4:54:46 PM): Well you didn't do it r4zorizclutch (4:54:55 PM): no r4zorizclutch (4:55:21 PM): but i do have the account back and i said that i was going to give it to anyone since someone took advantage of me XxkhaosmasterxX (4:55:36 PM): Ok XxkhaosmasterxX (4:55:39 PM): We now have proof XxkhaosmasterxX (4:55:45 PM): I will most likely get you unbanned XxkhaosmasterxX (4:55:54 PM): and get you VIP back r4zorizclutch (4:56:05 PM): and then i wasnt going to give it back to ibm because why have vip when they still wont unbann me r4zorizclutch (4:56:06 PM): ? r4zorizclutch (4:56:12 PM): where does that make since r4zorizclutch (4:56:59 PM): and i remember getting on after i got the account and i was going to give the mythic account to vip and also make a service for castle crashers where i got people level 256 on all accounts XxkhaosmasterxX (4:57:34 PM): XD I can help you with the castle crashers thing XxkhaosmasterxX (4:57:38 PM): I did that to my account r4zorizclutch (4:58:00 PM): oh ok r4zorizclutch (4:58:04 PM): with the service? XxkhaosmasterxX (4:58:29 PM): Yes r4zorizclutch (4:58:42 PM): kk r4zorizclutch (4:58:56 PM): ive done a few people and im starting to do it for ms points XxkhaosmasterxX (4:59:27 PM): Nice XxkhaosmasterxX (4:59:28 PM): Also XxkhaosmasterxX (4:59:33 PM): Can you please do this for me? XxkhaosmasterxX (4:59:40 PM): Can you please be nicer on IBM? XxkhaosmasterxX (4:59:47 PM): Just a little r4zorizclutch (4:59:46 PM): yeah i have been XxkhaosmasterxX (4:59:58 PM): So you get respect on there from everyone r4zorizclutch (4:59:56 PM): because there has been no reason to flame XxkhaosmasterxX (5:00:02 PM): I used to do the same thing XxkhaosmasterxX (5:00:04 PM): lol XxkhaosmasterxX (5:00:06 PM): I've changed XxkhaosmasterxX (5:01:24 PM): Ok XxkhaosmasterxX (5:01:32 PM): So how much we gonen charge? r4zorizclutch (5:02:04 PM): idc r4zorizclutch (5:02:13 PM): i dooo anytype of live or points XxkhaosmasterxX (5:02:21 PM): Ahhhhh r4zorizclutch (5:09:25 PM): did you send to slippy or someone else? XxkhaosmasterxX (5:09:42 PM): hes not on XxkhaosmasterxX (5:09:46 PM): i'll brb r4zorizclutch (5:11:03 PM):[Offline IM sent 11m ago] lets see if I can post or click anything with out it logging me out... XxkhaosmasterxX (5:21:41 PM): back r4zorizclutch (5:22:28 PM): yah r4zorizclutch (5:22:32 PM): im not banned XxkhaosmasterxX (5:22:16 PM): Ok r4zorizclutch (5:22:41 PM): might be different when im on my computer XxkhaosmasterxX (5:22:27 PM): Yea r4zorizclutch (5:28:50 PM): hey r4zorizclutch (5:28:58 PM): how can i copy all of these logs r4zorizclutch (5:29:23 PM): i want to post it on ibm so everyone can figure out what reallyyy happened XxkhaosmasterxX (5:29:43 PM): copy and paste XxkhaosmasterxX (5:29:47 PM): lol r4zorizclutch (5:30:32 PM): nooo r4zorizclutch (5:30:46 PM): because it wont let me copy more than one line at a time XxkhaosmasterxX (5:30:31 PM): h.o r4zorizclutch (5:30:55 PM): can you do it for me in offtopice XxkhaosmasterxX (5:30:36 PM): i'll create a .htm file XxkhaosmasterxX (5:30:37 PM): and sure r4zorizclutch (5:31:02 PM): ? XxkhaosmasterxX (5:30:42 PM): i'll copy and paste it XxkhaosmasterxX (5:30:50 PM): into off-topic
  3. Then you could use them.
  4. Good job on the game. I found the glitches to.
  5. I get money through donations.
  6. I remember watching a video. It was pretty interesting.
  7. Is that a digi LP of your gf?
  8. Korupt that's a really good idea. Yung you should definitely try to make that.
  9. She has talent. Can't wait to see more of her work.
  10. I might. You live in east coast?
  11. It's actually under Management then forum control then manage forums in admin control panel. You have to select it for separate forums. So you have an option of using it when you create/edit a forum.
  12. iKhaosmaster


    What was the point of that?
  13. I have unlimited of those to. XD. I also host those.
  14. We know it was made in Visual Basic 2008. It can still be decompiled. lol
  15. Nice try to fool us. Good job though. lol
  16. Yea he got the gamertag stolen.
  17. Do you mean like decompiling it?
  18. Both work fine on my Windows Vista. Also work on the GUI of the screen capture program.
  19. The cpanel isn't even that great either. lol
  20. Looks good. Just don't cover the render so much. You want the focal to be seen. Also start trying to make 400px x 125px tags. It's easier to work with.
  21. No your wrong.
  22. That's exactly what happened.
  23. Listen I'm sorry about my spamming. We were all just trying to have fun and I am very sorry. I want you to know I meant no harm. But Epsilon didn't hack any accounts. I'm in a party with him. I was also teamviewing him. But this needs to stop. People trying to get everyone banned. We all have to get along. I remember the phpbb version of iBotModz where the original members like me and a bunch of people were. There was no arguing on it. You new members have to realize that like V3NOM and teddy. We want this site to be at 100%. From now on if I see flaming I'm going to get staff. I don't think any of us want that. I really think all of this s*** has to stop. I've been nice lately and have not flamed. I want to keep it that way. You guys go over the line though. It seriously needs to stop. I think all of the staff would agree with me. I will be adding more to this after. -khaos
  24. Looks like a c4d in the background. Text doesn't blend. Keep working at it. You'll get better. I love it though. Thanks.
  25. Nvm t3a was on your account.
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