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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. I would seriously just have taken the disc out immediately and re-formatted. I would flip out.
  2. Is it the one where they bring the soda into the machine and they like do all the work on it?
  3. Shhhhhh......... Don't tell him that....... lol
  4. First: Teeth in the second as well as a broken piece of glass. Second: The word sex is spelled. Third: No idea. I was gonna say the coca-cola in the first picture is real. lol
  5. They look pretty good. Just work on the text a little.
  6. Don't overuse the brush tool. Also don't cover the focal which is the render, it makes the tag look bad if you cover it. You really need to work on color blending. also stop crowding the tag with one effect, which in this case is the brush lines you made.
  7. In the first one some of your C4D is cutting off a little of her left boob. lol
  8. I don't see this as anything great. It looks like a texture with some blending text. Pretty simple. Also you got pwned by HB there.
  9. The second one has a weird color tone.
  10. Looks good. Like Korupt said just work on the right side a little.
  11. This is why I hate portable versions. They always have an error. Just somewhere.
  12. Please don't bump old posts.
  13. Type in some of the lyrics in Google. lol
  14. Dude that's fing legit. I'm applying now.
  15. Just to let you know. You'd get more business if you had lower prices.
  16. Your not banned. The shoutbox is disabled.
  17. Did you use Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, or Sony Vegas?
  18. Well slip you can make it so VIP can bypass the flood control in the usergroupt permissions for the shoutbox.
  19. Ummm it's certainly stunning.... I guess?
  20. Darkened one is definitely the best. Great job.
  21. A good idea for it would for it to allow the user to pick the interval.
  22. I will be hosting everything soon. Including cpanels, domains, and ftp space. lol
  23. You're right. If you need any help with it feel free to ask me for help.
  24. It needs some GUI work to. I got a few errors trying to open the resigners on top of that.
  25. If you plan on making a rehasher I sure hope you know Endian.
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