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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Well yea I just got my Computer reformatted. I downloaded Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Edition. It's suppose to have dotnetbar, it does but the top doesn't work. Here's an example.
  2. Thanks for the update. I think the rep idea for VIP is good.
  3. You didn't make that. You used a source. Also the GUI is horrible. kthxbai
  4. No domain for you. jkjk
  5. Welcome back. Hope you enjoy it here.
  6. Thanks for the info. Have a nice trip.
  7. Thanks for the tutorials dude.
  8. I'm used to him not liking me. It doesn't really bother me.
  9. iKhaosmaster


    I've seen people saying he used to be really good if that counts.
  10. iKhaosmaster


    No offense but all it looks like you did was get a texture then paste him in there and then blurred him.
  11. As long as you agree to my new TOS.
  12. That was probably the worst DDoS attack I saw. It was so weak. Sorry. lol
  13. iKhaosmaster


    Looks really good. I love the effects.
  14. Loos really good. I love the outcome of the colors.
  15. Looks pretty good. I'll try it after.
  16. Looks really good. Blending is awesome.
  17. That's actually a great idea. It should be easy to make to.
  18. Well since it says tools maybe he should add a view increaser.
  19. Now that's $%#^%# sex right there. Definitely one of your best tags yet. Colors and blending are awesome. I love how near the wave the dragons blue and then it turns red. Very nice.
  20. Thanks for the tutorial peaches. It helps a lot.
  21. iKhaosmaster


    To simple to make. Try looking at some tutorials.
  22. I also forgot one thing. Work on blending the text better.
  23. Needs some better features. Make some updates and work on the GUI.
  24. It's pretty good. Some cons are that it get's messed up a lot. I get a lot of errors when running crap. I suggest it though because of it's ability to run better programs.
  25. Just use one of the keygens. Download a trial then use keygen.
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